
Also, I hate lots of fellow Boston fans. I recognize that a vast majority of them are terrible dopes, so the derision they receive is warranted.

I misread this as “Best homophones in baseball.” They Haight gaze inn the write whey.


Best homophobes in baseball. They hate gays in the right way.

Well, obviously.

But seriously, Boston fans are fucking awful.

I see you’re not familiar with Philadelphia.

Why should you root for the Red Sox? Because they’re not the Cubs

I’m rooting for a Cubs/Red Sox World Series!

I would root for the Red Sox to win the World Series, but I’m afraid that kind of success would cause the Boston sports fan base to lose the generosity and good natured friendliness that they are famous for, and turn them into a bunch of loud, obnoxious, arrogant, fuck butts.

Red Sox fans are Patriots fans. Patriots fans are scum.

Are they playing the Yankees or Nazi Germany? Then no.

Counterpoint: No.

I think He decided that a long time ago.

Does he crack the top 5?

Thank you for participating.

Amazing. They shut down the Bucs in the mud. How did they do it.

As good as the Cubs have been this year, they are still the CUBS. Wait for th black cat or the nebbish fan that f’s up a pop foul from their left fielder. It ain’t over ‘til it’s over...

Funny, Adrian Peterson’s son’s face is imprinted on his cleats too.

Easy to be high-minded when everyone is so tall.