Even Steven

Considering the number of comments in the hours after the original post and the number of comments since the update I doubt that there will be a change in publishing policy. As always seems to be the case, the lie is more popular than the truth. Will Ms Cole-Dixon be fired from what ever job she has and pilloried by

This should be a separate story not an update surely. Most of the people who read and commented on this won’t come back to it and are out there talking about ‘did you see what happened to Sherita?’ Nothing. Nothing happened. The boyfriend saying I know how she is makes sense now. Run young man or you’ve got a mess of

I am sure The Root and all its readers will offer an apology to Officer Hubbard.

This whole site is pretty much kept alive by hot takes, but maybe this one is a wake up call to stop that shit immediately. Nobody looks good here right now. Embarrassing. Take all the seats, y’all.

Shit, we should all hope that if we got arrested, we’d get an Officer Hubbard (reminder: clean out my damn car)

Not every one of these situations is the next big civil rights violation. This just reeks a bit too much of people trying to cash in on all of the ongoing outrage of people actually being discriminated against.

“Based on not a fucking thing.”

So you don’t know. But you’re talking like you know.

“Calling the police on, and gunning for the arrest of, three white dudes will never be a life-threatening act the same way it is for Black women and other women of color. It’s not even close. Not reasonable to pretend so.”

“Anyone who’s worked service knows there’s a such thing as a locked door.”

Okay, one of the communication difficulties here is you’re ascribing intentions and motivations to me that don’t exist.

Unbelievable. Imagine if the restaurant didn’t have their own camera recording? The fact that this guy who recorded the video had people believing that the man slapped the woman shows us how the Russians psychologically manipulate us Americans with such ease. This story is even in Sputnik News lol.

Yeah, that’s a message that will win them to your side. 

Splinter does not want to cover that article, AT ALL. In fact, they’ve had their News Editor throw up (possibly literally) multiple Clinton headlines in an effort to distract from it. FOX-style tactics from our “friends on the left.”

The left has no friendly billionaires that fund progressive challengers to the party establishment.

The restaurant says they were closed, but the women say the restaurant was open because people were still dining. Anyone who’s worked service knows a closed restaurant often has people in it well beyond the official closing time, and while the public may still be inside, no one new gets to come in.

I see your point regarding fashion but then YOU should have been the person talking to a Asian writer who extensively talks on issues that affect Asian American communities. I mean wouldn’t we want the same courtesy? Am I wrong about that? I know context matters but I’m just really having a hard time seeing this as

What if Asian people are largely less sensitive to matters of appropriation, fetishization, and racial stereotyping? Does that excuse coolie hats? Is it a license? Is it (now) O.K. to mock developmentally disabled people if they can’t comprehend the dis? Cosplay is referencing a particular character or anime or manga.

Okay, legit question. Black Panther was a movie made by an American director, from an American company, starring mostly American and British actors, where they intentionally mish-mashed cultures and languages from all over the African continent to create the Wakandan tribes. Is that cultural appropriation? If not, why

Hell yeah! She stole all that shit from the Wu-Tang Clan.