Even Steven

FFS just say “open borders”.

Kelly should be thanking the Dems for that divisiveness they bring, that is what brought Trump to the presidency.

Immigrants went to the US in the past therefore immigrants should continue to go there without restrictions now and in the future.

So you are saying... fake news?

Everything I read here definitely happened.

The House of Representatives is/was already based off of population, are you familiar with the reasonings behind a bicameral (2 branches) Senate?

It’s a bold move Cotton, but I don’t think this will be enough to get the useful idiots to start saying that Trump is the reason Schneiderman was forced to resign for raping his ex-girlfriends.

The Root only tries to target black women and effeminate black men.

Lol politico just took the wind out of the partisan click bait media tactic of only blasting one side for something everyone is doing, don’t worry though most of the useful idiots are very uninformed and will never read this or remember it longer than 24 hours.

Progressives have become the same as the evangelical puritans of the 80's in terms of their pearl clutching over everything.

Recently, a damn colonizer wouldn’t move their cart out of the way for me at Target when I was just trying to get some string cheese, I was forced to wait for them to select their cheese first.

It was close but he escaped with his life.

This “comedian” is cringe. Why Splinter would highlight him as an example for others is beyond me. Oh, ICE is like the Gestapo? Cool bro, your “jokes” are gold too, just be sure to do sets in the gentrified neighborhoods where the people who actually get humor live.

My takeaway is that Reines thinks Latin Kings are generous lovers.

Remember everyone, these people are insane because they feel like marauding armed criminals are lurking everywhere with the intent to kill them.

Why is that one dude pictured crying and holding a teddy bear, this whole thing must be satire from The Onion.

Must be a slow day on outrage Twitter.

It took a while, but I finally found a rational comment. +1