
I got banned from all of the Tesla subs on Reddit because I posted a single comment on a completely different sub that was a mild criticism of Elon (I said nothing about Tesla). It was hilarious. I was banned from subs that I wasn’t even participating in; nothing lost.

which is against reddits tos but since the owners and whole site mods are nazi sympathizers they dont really care to stop whole subs from sending ban notices to people who have never visited their sub just because they made a comment in a totally different sub.

Also on Reddit - the mods of the bunch of the Tesla subreddits mass banned people for participating in other subreddits that are not-pro Musk with no regards to the actual content of their posts.

Probably also to hide their shame by not allowing the public to know that they made a dumb purchase when they talk about all the problems they’re having. And also to protect their false god mElon. 

In other hilarious Cybertruck news, the cybertruck subreddit went private because they couldn’t handle the criticism anymore. Truly hilarious. 

Nobody’s buying these things other than rich idiots with low self esteem so why not?

Thankfully for Tesla, there are plenty of dumb asses to fall for this.

The local Tesla dealer has used the back parking lot of a mall for excess inventory. For at least the last 2-3 years there was never more than a dozen or so cars parked there. In the last 9-10 months there has to be, at the very least, 500+ cars and it seems to get larger every week.

To be fair, the article would probably have three times as many typos if he wrote it on an ipad.

Texas State troopers are now investigating what happened during the crash that took place in the early morning house of August 5.

I already provided context.

Your entitled to your subjective opinion that over40,000 auto accident deaths per year is “safe and reliable” since those are inherently subjective terms. The fact remains that we can do a lot better.

Might want to move out of Oklahoma. You’re using the law of large numbers to your advantage. Let’s put it into context versus forms of transportation that actually are reliably and safely operated. Airplanes have registered roughly .01 death per 100 million miles flown.

I don’t think they should sell to normal people. Normal people are bad for the brand. The Tesla brand is worth more than Coca Cola these days. I think they should only sell to superstars like me and my cybertruck owning brethren.

I’m sure Musk will take to heart whatever JD Power has to say.

Since pointing out that people with certain behaviors are weird is a familiar thing now, it’s well worth pointing out that starting in about 2022 or so when Elon began wilding out and showing his backside, Teslas became exclusively for weird people. Hardly anyone normal has bought one since.

No normal person would buy a Tesla. No even halfway rational person would buy a Tesla. You’re financing one of the most dangerous people on the planet.

The normal people I know who bought Teslas no longer own them. *Eight* former owners in my circle of friends and coworkers. All got rid of them due to disgust with the ownership experience. That is telling to me.

Regardless of everything else wrong with Tesla and Musk, just the fact that it can be totalled over a fender bender due to lack of spareparts availability woud be show-stopper for me. Of course, the other things wrong with Tesla and usk are more important to me, But if You want to support a fascist and think Teslas