Even Our Dogs Are In On It Now

That's white people for ya. Always murdering their kids & lying about it. Whites are also dirty & they steal.

I eat pizza with a knife & fork, like a surgeon or the people who carve marble. We “Utensilists” need to fight back against the slurs & condemnation by the fucking clods who eat pizza with their hands, like a three year old. Utensilism must adopt a the insufferable moral superiority of Vegans or people who drive

No, that’s not it at all. I’m suing them for a hostile workplace & many sustained illegal behaviors which I am not detailing here. The book isn’t even a factor in my legal situation or mentions in any way. It’s actually about employment discrimination against me for clinical depression, so thanks for being so cool &

I read “the Gift of Fear” & though it contains some extremely valuable insights on Predators, it also seems to be a bit overheated. At the time, I was working for local government where people worked 2 hours a day & devoted 6 hours to gossip, the lottery pool & looking at Facebook pictures of grandkids. On a team of

Yep. He’s playing his role of “Nice Guy” on a stage with Donald Trump & Ted Cruz. You could put Hienrich Himmler on that stage & people would say “Himmler’s position on Fiscal Policy seems reasonable.”

Rush is still getting high, obviously because Cruz is so clearly the Zodiac Killer. Furthermore, Rush Limbaugh is probably 100% responsible for the opiate/heroin epidemic by making it cool for white people in rural places to shoot junk. His druggy radio program gets the kids into Vicodin & they move onto the hard

Agreed. I’ve taken loads of LSD & this kind of violence isn’t in line with any experience I’ve had. These days, with all the synthetic analogues out there, you can’t trust what you’re getting. Some of these synthetic drugs are so terrible.

I don’t think the wedding sex will meet the definitition of “forever” though. He's actually looking forward to spending 90 seconds together.

I frequently encountered Scarlet Fever playing Oregon Trail in 1986, but haven’t heard anything about it since.

As a former cocainist, I feel confident Andrew Breitbart was high every time I saw him on TV. So happy he died!

I went to BWW one time. Me and a friend went in there after smoking weed & those big screens were so hellishly disorienting I can never go back. Wings sucked too.

Seems fairly likely it must have been some solid evidence for them to deviate from lienency, particularly since he’s some big athlete.

I don't think it's her eagle either.

Won't last.

These asshats, frats & sports teams account for a disturbing proportion of every kind of criminal bullshit in colleges: it’s how white bros don’t go to prison.

I’m not saying all or even a majority of sports fans are rapists or overtly support rape culture. The insidious nature of rape culture is that supporting it isn’t usually overt, it’s a passive acceptance, a willingness to look the other way, framing assaults in traditional victim-blaming deflections. But, I do stand

I am never friends with sports fans. They’re a different breed of being, with a sort of herd/mob/riot mentality—people who like to all yell together at the TV in bars while wearing identical shirts. Also, sports fandom is a persistent bastion of rape culture, where they tend to view sexual assault like a fight in a

I have never heard anyone, male or female claim rejection is worse than murder, so I think you have some serious Straw Man fallacy in your comment. Whenever I read the comments on one of these posts, there are always lots of basically scripted claims like yours that there is a openly pro-murder contingent out there

Bernie is all bernt out. He’s over like One Direction.

It’s going to be intense man on man on droid action with Kylo Ren, BB-8 and Yoda’s Force Ghost. It's integral to the plot, can't be helped.