
It’s like they plucked the one Skyrim review out of the ether that said “You know what I really loved? The constant, repetitive radiant quests you need to complete in order to finish off the Thieves Guild. I WISH there was a way I could do those forever with no actual results” and assumed it spoke for the masses.

God, promos back then were so great.

Was the Transformers game really that great? I’m struggling to come to grips with this new reality in which every licensed game isn’t a complete pile of garbage.

*FWDs link to FF V/VI sprite purists*

Meh, that stance really isn’t any better than the rabid fandom you’re complaining about. Are you under the impression that all of those franchises you listed have always been well-established? They haven’t, they all became popular because the games were good enough to create FANS.

Great, can’t wait to go back and see how terrible Tetra Master still is.

That’s more or less a product of using Steam. You’d be amazed how far out of your gaming comfort zone you can get on there sometimes, and the gems you’ll find in the process.

Glad to see a Chroma Squad shout-out tucked in there at the end. What a charming little XCOM-lite that was.

Its not GOTY material by any means, but you should really check out Concrete Jungle on Steam. Tactical turn-based city-building deck-building puzzle game that is surprisingly deep. Seems like your cup o’ tea based off of what you’re normally praising on here.

True, but a lot of local stores use different distributors than the big chains, and depending on their back stock you might be able to luck into some great finds.

I don’t understand how a helpful suggestion made you this salty. He didn’t say anything eliteist, he simply offered an alternative for those that don’t know there are OTHER options for used games that are not Gamestop. The fact that it didn’t apply to YOU specifically doesn’t mean it’s not a helpful suggestion for

First two albums are super underrated. Hang Ups still gets some play every now and again. Shame they had to be involved with the whole Jive records bull that RBF and I think the Pilfers had to deal with as well.

I honestly expected to be disappointed, but I was not.

Review is solid.

Finally, a game that can satisfy my need to socialize with birds, without the constant gross feeling of trying to bone them that came with “Hatoful Boyfriend.”

I snorted my coffee out at this and I’m terribly disappointed in myself for doing so. Well done.

I cringed soooooooooo hard reading that “true gamer” rant. That guy is the full embodiment of the “old man yells at cloud” bit.

So how long until I can get mad at Anita Sarkeesian for this?

It’s a shame this doesn’t have more stars in the 5 minutes its been posted.

Believe it or not, plopping a No Entry sign at the entrance when you’re nearing the end of a scenario and see your total guests dropping below the goal is an incredibly effective strategy, so long as you remove it before your Park Rating goes to absolute hell.