
I hope I’m not the only one that reads his twitter handle as “Ew, Erickson.”

Well yar, that “serve and protect” is meant for each other, not the general public.

Nothing says “I’m a human being that makes mistakes like everyone else” like allowing another human being to get under your skin and then foolishly barking something childish back to them in a public light.

That’s what I always thought, it acts/looks just as an archaic piece of technology would.

As awesome as that pagoda is (which is super-fucking-awesome) what was the reason behind all of the generators? Lights? I didn’t see any defenses or anything they were leading to, but regardless, seems like a large amount of generators.

All of my questions/concerns were answered above, thank you! Insta-purchase once I wrap up FO4.

Cheer up there, feller, someone will love you one day. I hope there is a hug in your future, you need one.

I was in the same boat. I HATED my first two cracks at NV, but something magical happened on that 3rd attempt, and now Fallout is easily my favorite series/universe.

These are all not too shabby, but Heisenberg is by far the best. Kudos to them.

The Evil/White Abed mashup we never wanted.

I learned a thing today. Bless you, duck.

Chunking at it’s finest, probably.

So is there a lot of gameplay involved, or is this just an interactive story? I do not mind either way, it’s just that Steam reviews/discussion board atm don’t really offer any insight other then “ugh how is THIS a game.”

Can anyone translate? I’m curious as to how this scumbag defended his actions, but knowledge of the language is limited to letting my buddy know I had meatballs for lunch.

I feel like you’d dig the new milo record based on beats alone, though sadly I don’t know how to embed video on Kinja so here’s a link:

Popping in just to steer everyone towards Sir, You Are Being Hunted at $1.99. Excellent single-player survival game with a pretty charming theme (for how terrifying it is).

Yeah, exactly what killed that whole Weezer/Kanye mashup EP that dropped last week. It feels like it was made to appeal to people who like seeing their favorite things together, regardless of quality.

Genuinely excited about this one, mostly due to the Oswalt/Posehn involvement. Glad to hear its decent.

Right? My amazon library has it’s fair share of turds in there. I think maybe 10 percent of everything I listened to before I turned 18 made it to my adult tastes. The rest is Turd City (sorry, God-Awfuls).

So not making the thing you are commenting on prevents you from being able to comment on it? Yikes. By your standards, I wonder how many Kotaku writers would still be with us.