
I think you’re talking about the wildly popular “Sad Michael” meme. Its quite the rage on the World Wide Web. This is the image they commonly use for it:

Man, I never knew that I even wanted to see a cat jammed into a loaf of bread until now, and now that is ALL I WANT.

You are correct

With a good team of two, three people, its actually incredibly helpful. We just waited til the one we wanted was at 1-step, then split up til one of us found it.

I was completely unaware of this promotion until this article, and I gotta say, voting which celebrity you want to assassinate is pretty damn unique. Well done.

Yes, that is something she is allowed to do.

Here’s How 32 Corgis Reacted to the Pokemon GO Launch

True, we really stretch the limit of the word over here. A place that sells generic wall art is considered a “landmark” out here.

That’s a shame, I’m in a pretty small town as well, but they still managed to cram 13 poke-stops and 4 gyms in a 6-block radius. I figured all other small towns just bunched everything together to compensate for size /:

I live in central PA. They don’t. They fucking don’t.

Shame, all of my friends seem to be enjoying it so far.

Came here because I knew this would just have to turn up.

It’s 48 minutes past West Coast midnight here in the states, so naturally the subreddit is full of American gamers swearing off of Nintendo and Niantic completely already.

Nice Try, A-Hole

Found this for you.

Ugh, this seems like the type of guy that views “haters” as validation that he must be doing something right.

I’ve been watching a ton of Botchamania recently, and they make great use of the “back, and to the left” for any and all headshots.

I finally gave it a full playthrough after early access wrapped up, and man, some of those rooms on the 4th-6th mementos are NUTS. I wouldn’t even begin to understand how someone’s brain can think some of that stuff up.

Now playing

It’s not even his best marijuana-centric track

That genuinely looks like someone turned a dick drawing into a female backside. Or it’s not that at all, and I just really need to sit down and figure some things out about myself.