That’s why we call them Bernie-Bros. And that’s why we despise them.
That’s why we call them Bernie-Bros. And that’s why we despise them.
“And before you reply some angry and race-based argument about how bad being black is in America and how oppressed you are, please save it.”
That works too.
Ugh. Worked in the college restaurants in undergrad. Those Nathan’s corn dog nuggets have a...lingering odor.
i know that. i know she means he’s got a good body. but the analogy of a daydream doesn’t make sense.
“I want to wear his initial on a chain round my neck, chain round my neck / Not because he owns me, but ‘cause he really knows me”
counterpoint: if you don’t listen to the words, it’s an ok song
I take showers like an adult, sooooooooooo....
The constant dermal layer of grease ain’t great, either.
SNL’s at least managed to rattle Trump’s cage.
I stopped watching broadcast news five years ago, after a sex crime was reported in close proximity to where I live.…
A St. Charles, Mo., father is looking for other options after he says that his son and other classmates were called…
I somehow missed this shows existence for the most part. Every time I see a clip of it though I cannot help but feel like they understand comedy involving Trump moreso than SNL.
Oh, this was so dark...
i asked the same thing. i hadn’t seen your post yet.
#whitepeopletears Hard to be asked to move to the back, huh?
Her intentions are good, but I can imagine a whole lot of brown/black people feeling incredibly uncomfortable being asked to come to the front. What if they’re happy standing or sitting where they are? They came to a concert, not be used as a prop.
My wife said the same thing, It seems technologically advanced except when you know that the way the game is played. Its really just a twitchy version of a choose you own adventure book. You see a scene and have to hit a button or more the joystick in the right way at the right time. If you succeed the next scene…
Nope, not me. Maybe YOU should do something better with your time than asking questions that could easily be answered with a few minutes of digging!