
During today’s White House press briefing, Sarah Huckabee Sanders told reporters that if they wanted to ask a question, they had to first say something that they were thankful for. And then they all went along with it.

I saw this...

One of the first list things I cannot argue with in almost any way.

Is “broadcasting” home games in local movie theaters on closed circuit, even Stanley Cup finals, an even lower point? Because that’s what Wirtz did before HawkVision.

1. Just behind the Picasso, to the left or the right. If you’ve ever wondered how the hell that thing is supposed to be a woman, this will amaze you. OK, it amazed me. A freakin’ lightbulb went on.

What a unique, hot “taek.” Deep dish pizza. Why has no one thought of that before?

Barring a judge being caught doing something incredible illegal or incredibly corrupt,

I wrote the same thing earlier. I can easily see one person being asked to defend Black Lives Matter, Colin Kaepernick and Barack “Hussein” Obama all in one sentence.

Yeah but it’s still better than having an actual player or coach on to be interviewed.

Wait. is that one at the top a sex stare?

Yeah, but still, why?

Between this and Francesa, this has been a bad week for fans of Mikes who say stuff on the radio. On mics.

Can Beckies (all types) be rehabilitated ?

I tremble thinking about just what it was that the self-proclaimed “great negotiator” gave up to get the middle Ball child back.

Has she been booked on The Daily Show yet?

With them inside please...

If Bass Pro Shop advertised and pulled they’d be left sitting in an empty house in their underwear.

I guess my biggest takeaway is that so many MAGAs and rednecks had Keurigs. I was sure they’d consider these liberal, snowflake, east coast elite coffee machines and, instead, they’d have some real ‘Murican coffee pot like this:

It’s being mentioned that one of the reasons he got the job is that he came up with the phrase “Hillary Rotten Clinton.” Seriously

“Alexa, how do I judge stuff?...”