
I don’t think the NYT is big on printing mere rumors.

You’re assuming that’s what it will be based on. We’re in a new era, if you haven’t noticed.

I guess the upcoming NYT story may erase the rumors, whispers and hearsay.

Let’s see... old white GOP guy in Alabama asked to show remorse and step aside for the good of someone other than himself.

To think that sometime in the recent past, say, five years he not only came up with the idea for this movie, but got some folks to fund it and act in it is pretty horribly amazing. Even if he came up with this idea seven or eight years ago, the financial backers should have walked the fuck out of the room.

One my regrets is that I moved out of Chicago after a bazillion years before I got a chance (pun intended) to see him step up and embarrass the old guard. But I still got family there so I enjoy it a lot through them when I come back to visit.

So if we revisit this photo, Kelly isn’t embarrassed but actually probably pissed Trump didn’t go far enough in insulting other nations.

A Royal pain.

I’m glad she asked because it showed that the loathsome Megny Kelly is always lurking, like fucking Gollum.

I’m glad she did that. It shows everyone that the old Megyn you loathed is still inside that smiling shell.

  • Megyn Kelly said, “Well I know you’re the mother of two children. What message do you think you’re communicating to them?”

My SO is still pissed that in The Fifth Element, the supposedly “perfect” being was some skinny white woman who barely wears clothes and can’t really talk.

So, how long is the Hollywood Purge going to continue?

She seems to be the queen of (mostly) self-manufactured drama. Only going by what I read here, she’s involved in generally silly “feuds,” has a “crazy” (by white bread terms) posse, her “love life” is “crazy,” etc. She needs to get into some REAL Brittney-Spears-shave-my-head shit before she actually becomes mildly

That was the... nevermind.

That traffic watching shit is one of the things I’ll never understand about this city. I get you want cars not to run over construction workers, but I gotta think they’re needed elsewhere.

Her suddenly sliding backwards down that mountain in that outfit would have been hilarious.

I guess spinning away from the obvious irony of her husband is a sort of sporting activity too.

I copied and pasted directly from the article (which has since been edited). But I understand what she’s trying to say, so you should take it up with the writer.

where she talked about the importance of girls playing sports.