I only know this guy from his douchebag character on Gold on Netflix but I guess he got the part because he was perfect for it.
I only know this guy from his douchebag character on Gold on Netflix but I guess he got the part because he was perfect for it.
6. That guy who wanted someone to tie his kangaroo down.
Also, the fully-equipped paramedics are a nice touch.
And the always come right back to you.
For the win...
I think the last time I ate food on the street was at an outdoor food fest type thing, and even then I had to park my ass on a curb to avoid that walking around eating thing.
Why? A “handout” program to help black ex-felons is not in the GOP playbook, especially one who claims to be “fiscally conservative.” I’m doubting the rest of the Cleveland GOP would be on board with starting this program.
For example, she wants to create programs aimed at reentry for people leaving prison. ...
Here, you can time it with this...
Juli Briskman: “When Keeping it Real Goes Wrong” Honorable Mention Award-Winner
Now, hitting up the dude selling jerk chicken and rib tips out of his truck outside the Promontory after 1 a.m. ... ? Not the finest 30-something decision.
No, he means buku, the officials currency of the obscure tiny island nation where Nike has the jerseys made.
Just got back from voting for him. I know he doesn’t have a chance to win, but to keep power in check, don’t make it so easy for them. And he’s generally a good guy with some good ideas and the willingness to take the focus away from all the “world class city” talk to the people around who really matter. I give him…
Look, it’s hard to get the seams sewn just right with those little 6-year-old hands.
Maybe we should plaster billboards with the broken and bloody bodies of children shot daily. THIS IS WHAT A BULLET DOES TO A CHILD.
Trump went on to say, “if we did what you are suggesting it would have made no difference three days ago.”
That picture put me off pizza for at least the next six months. AND I LOVE PIZZA!!
I’ve seen that pic of Jonathon eating the pepperoni pizza a few times now today and lemme say - it does look delish!
I’ll never not be grossed out by that pizza being shoveled into that gaping maw and that too-tiny-for-my-head face of his.