You can have my rib when you pry it out of my cold day... um... chest cavity?
You can have my rib when you pry it out of my cold day... um... chest cavity?
You think Rand Paul doesn’t drink milk because he’s too busy or he forgets to? Lol. I’m pretty sure Rand doesn’t drink milk because of aliens or government experiments on cows or bioflavinoids or something.
It kinda defeats the whole “God is everywhere” argument.
Why not in a funeral home? In a coffin? Wearing your good clothes? Just take the shot and - boom - you’re already dressed and ready to go!
I came here to see if anyone would brush on the potential irony of his upcoming incarceration.
And he just shot whoever was there, whether they were kinfolk or not because...
it was a domestic situation going on,”
A pretty good shot from Fara.... way.
The issue is that the president of the U.S. can’t be making up diagnoses off the fucking cuff. As crazy as this guy was, the official determination of “mentally unstable” is left to doctors. Additionally, beating up your family, in many states, is not grounds for denying you the right to purchase a gun. This country…
We’re not even sure it’s a “mental health issue.” That’s just something Trump threw out at a blanket to shield the NRA, etc. I haven’t heard anything that said this guy received mental health treatment. “Mental health” and “too soon” are just words used by the GOP to keep kicking that can down the road.
However, Trump brushed the question off, saying it was “a little bit soon” to be discussing guns,
M0vies I’ll stop, sit down and watch if they’re on TV and I’m cleaning up or going out to the store...
This. What phrase should I be wary of to to avoid most of the 370 mass shootings (so far?) that occurred in the U.S. this year that weren’t committed by Muslims?
And she puts some creepy slightly Victorian twist on the word...
“Confederates impressed slaves as laborers and at times forced them to fight. In effect, they put guns to their heads, forcing them to fire on Yankees,” Stauffer wrote.
I hear there’s a great bar at the bottom of the ocean they might like.
Bobby Finger once again said, “I’ve tried like a dozen times and never get them, so quit asking.”
I plan to donate some to local art organizations and animal shelters, but I should just get over this and enjoy it, yeah?
He (intentionally?) misrepresented what the player protest is all about. That’s my reason for saying “FUCK YOU, YOU PIECE OF SHIT!” If you’re going to take a stand, fine, but don’t do it because of some half-baked, half-thought-out reason because that’s just stupid.
Yeah, but you gotta admit, he’s got spunk.