Crap, I misread. I just spent 10 minutes playing “Find the Honda.”
I like how the linked article slyly doesn’t even mention the AREA where the donut shot is, let alone the name.
Thanks, a “Smokin” answer. And, stupid me, 800 feet? I mean 8,000.
Now find the snowman with the orange dick...
According to the dramatization thingy on the news, they plan on drilling some 800 feet down and then filling the thing with cement from that point to block it off. I wondered why they could just fill from the top, but who knows. Well, I guess they do.
More like a fitbutt.
Seriously. I think of a “welt” as something you get from getting HIT by a belt, not the actual belt.
I’m waiting for the cameos which I expect will include Will Ferrell. Not that that’s a bad thing...
Late response... I think he was just freaked out by death, period. I don’t think it was due to friendship. I’m not sure how many battles they’d been in by that point or if he was involved but he definitely isn’t used to seeing death. He doesn’t fire when he’s told to kill the villagers so I don’t think it’s friendship…
They used their cellphones to order. LOL