Eva Unit 5150

But then how are they going to be able to make friends if they can’t pay for them?

Really just makes you wonder what sort of heinous shit Gay Talese hasn’t been caught out on yet.

I’m surprised that any of this is supposed to be surprising.

public figures who have been dogged by misconduct rumors for years

Amidst all this news, ALL THIS FUCKING NEWS PLUS HAVING TRUMP IN OUR LIVES for what seems like a lifetime, one of my cousins-in-law still has the gall to grope me and my female friends, then deny it ever happened to my husband, chuck his toys out of the pram to anyone who’ll listen, and have his WIFE (that would be

In the UK it’s spread to the Commons in terms of not just the abuse but also allegations it was unreported so it can be used for blackmail .

For me, the really frustrating piece was seeing the emphasis they placed on things like Jedi. I get that the Force is a big part of Star Wars’ appeal, but it’s such a huge universe that has so much potential for a game like Ragtag that’s more based on shooting. Yes, give me games with Jedi — but also let me explore

No one believes victims of sexual assault. Male or female. Young or old.

Being beautiful. That is what they are doing right now.

Right? I mean, how is that even possible? There’s a lot more to acting a scene than simply opening your mouth and saying words out loud. Good grief.

I’m sooooooo happy!!!!

Tried posting this one a few years ago, but was too late. Not a ghost story, but it’s one of the scariest things that’s ever happened to me.

Im wishing that a sexual weirdo would direct his sexual frustrations towards a person who works in that profession.

I just finished reading the New Yorker article, which is horrific, and listening to the audio, which chills my blood. I don’t want to listen to it again but he insists that she comes into his hotel room at least 15 times, doesn’t he? And then makes her the bad guy because SHE’S the one making the scene and SHE’s

I had a boss who skated out of a sexual harassment charge. You know the kind of shit he used to do?

It’s very simple: Don’t make SEXIST (not “sexist,” as sexism is a real thing) jokes. Don’t comment on a woman’s looks, body, or imagined sex life. Don’t stare at her tits. Don’t touch her. Speak to her in a professional, polite, friendly manner JUST LIKE YOU’RE ABLE TO PULL OFF WHEN SPEAKING TO MEN.

No, we aren’t in those positions; our positions are infinitesimally worse. So no, we frankly aren’t going to to bother “looking at it from this perspective”, because we don’t feel sorry for you.