Eva Unit 5150

This is the result when we as a nation decide to acquit murderous cops, pardon sheriffs who commit atrocities and lionize police as the greatest heroes without scrutinizing their work as individuals.

Up to five years?

Are we still using “doesn’t own a TV” as shorthand for douchey intellectual snob who looks down on everyone? It’s 2017. You don’t need a TV to watch TV, and haven’t for sometime. You can watch critically lauded prestige dramas made by serious auteurs on your phone.

Kushner ran Trump campaign data team enlisting Cambridge Analytica to help micro-target voters in Michigan and Wisconsin. Funny story, the Russians did the Same. Exact. Thing. Almost like they were working from the same playbook. I got a big feeling Kushner has lots of communications he wants to hide.

Stewart and Nyong’o are great, but I’m skeptical of this given how mostly awful Pitch Perfect 2 was.

This guy has been a dick for his entire life. And it’s funny how he praises his Sarah Connor character and Linda Hamilton’s incarnation, but then look how he ACTUALLY treated Linda, the person.

He can jump right into a lake of burning petrol.

Has the day finally arrived when the common person doesn’t recognize a Spaceballs reference? A part of me has died :,(

While still outsourcing mess hall catering to the French company Sodexo.


“hasn’t given Trump a chance”

Unless he’s busted by the state of New York. POTUS has no power to pardon state charges, only Federal crimes. If he’s arrested on say, a flight crossing New York state and taken to NYC and arraigned there, now he’s looking at a one-way trip to Riker’s Island.

Unintended consequence of good intentions, meet the results of minimum wage laws. A teen may be worth $7.50/hour they aren’t worth $12.50/hour when you can only count on two months of full time employment.

My 18 year old cousin uses her mom’s credit card (that her mom gave her) to take Ubers and pay for lunch or brunch with her friends at restaurants so they can practice for their post-college future in the city using their parent’s credit cards for brunch

MAD ain’t fucking around anymore...

Ok, ok. We get it. You’re still into a thing that should’ve been over by the late 90's, you feel the FBI is out to get you & your leaders, and you’re probably sticky to the touch. But why did you have to schedule your rally the same weekend as the Juggalos?

“Let’s exploit this poorly raised, poorly educated child for money! What could possibly go wrong?”

James Woods has asked for her digits.