
Glad to hear it... I got heavy back into the game when the next gen patch dropped... it feels like a fresh new experience. 

100% Agree. Origins is not only the best AC game, but maybe one of the best games of all time period. Bayek is one of the GOAT protagonists. The world is painstakingly accurate. The open world “educational” mode or whatever, was super interesting. What a great game.

I feel like Odyssey just tried to do too much

I don’t get why people are so mad at just Facebook over this. It’s not like this is a new practice. If you delete your PSN or Xbox or Apple accounts, guess what, you lose access to all your digital purchases. They’re owned by the account.  Facebook owns Oculus, so it makes sense. There’s a lot to be mad at FB for, but

It’s not paper thin at all, though. It’s a great campaign. 

Here’s my question. All of this is fucked up, of course. But is anyone else fucking flabbergasted that Twitter is reaching out to negotiate with these shitheads instead of just deleting and banning their shit? 

I thought Season 3 was the best so far... but I agree about wrapping it up. It would feel natural to wrap it up when the kids got fully into their teens and more interested in girls than D&D games, which has been a growing theme of the show anyway. It’s like the IT movie, where it’s more about coming of age than the

Exactly how I would have made my list. Origins isn’t only the best AC game ever, but it’s on my list of top 5 games ever, period. The meticulously recreated open world Egypt was incredible, the combat was satisfying, and the new RPG elements were a great addition to the game. I get some people don’t like it because

Yeah for some reason EA didn’t think this game would be the absolute banger that it was, and didn’t really invest anything into the game’s post launch support. 

Last year’s most underrated title. Also maybe the best videogame ending I’ve ever seen. 

I was super bummed when I saw this wasn’t coming to Xbox until later this year. I was ready to download it and get into it. Looks really good. 

I don’t get it... are they supposed to just give their property away to the tenants because they’re wealthy? I’m as liberal as it gets but what the fuck is this article? 

First good boss fight?

Yeah nah... there were at least 2 or 3 great boss fights in the core game. What an absurd statement. 

Just so we’re clear. In that situation, you’d what... disown your child? People like you are the problem. People like you are why the LGBTQ suicide rate is so high. Because you’re scared of things that are “different”. Stop using your fear to justify being an asshole. 

The real perversion in something like this is when a parent puts their antiquated, misplaced beliefs ahead of the love they should have for their own child. Because her mom and dad are so supportive, she will thrive for the rest of her life. Unlike trans kids that have parents who refuse to accept who they really are.

He cheated on his wife. That’s a shitty thing to do. He didn’t rape anyone. The evidence was overwhelming against the prosecution. Stop with this shit. 

I feel like backlog shame should have a support group. I still haven’t finished Red Dead 2 or God of War, Witcher 3, or fucking Skyrim, for god’s sake. Instead I’m sitting here playing my umpteenth game of Overwatch again. What is wrong with me. 

This comment made me fall down a youtube hole of bad videogame review videos and it was fantastic. Thanks, friend. 

 For starters, because Palpatine is the least interesting villain in the whole damn series!”

I don’t see what the big deal is. I look exactly like this, only fat. And bald. 

Ok Boomer