Well, thank the rich kids that drop 100s on boxes, wherever they are, because that’s why they are glad to release all the maps and characters for free.
Well, thank the rich kids that drop 100s on boxes, wherever they are, because that’s why they are glad to release all the maps and characters for free.
I wouldn’t say they’re scamming anyone... it’s all cosmetic, and they offer all characters and maps for free. I’d say that’s a good trade off.
Agreed. I don’t play her either, but I think that Snowman feature is pretty awesome... though if you didn’t know about that I could see some of the salt from players being justified.
These are much better representations of what they can do with skins that are really cool. Though I think the snowman effect on Mei’s skin is awesome.
I’m gonna miss having a President and VP that seem approachable and genuine (even though I’m sure it’s not always the case)... Trump and Pence are just gross.
I mean, it wasn’t really bad... just way too fuckin long.
I love that you can hear the “Go Cubs Go” song all the way across town. Man I’m not even a cubs fan, and I would have killed to be in that city last night. What a series.
Not even a Cubs fan, but fuck off.
That’s infuriating. Gears has had this problem since the very beginning. How have they not discovered how to make matchmaking not take forever yet?
Why is that a terrible idea? Shane McMahon has never not been entertaining in the ring.
I can respect you just not liking the movie. You can’t please everyone... but saying “you people are nuts”... Come on man, you have to realize that you are in a vast minority here. The movie is a masterpiece by all accounts. You didn’t dig it, and that’s ok, but don’t act like you’re more “enlightened” or some shit…
I had this version of the SP, and still think it’s hands down one of the best consoles, mobile or home, ever released. I never should have sold this thing... just looking at this picture makes me want to find another one. Golden Sun, Fire Emblem, FF Tactics, Advance Wars... man... what a great system...
Take me back... I remember being there on day one for BC and the one thing that stands out to me for some reason is that there was SO much gold. I had grinded out gold for my epic mount over a long amount of time and right before BC came out I got it, and then in a few days after BC came out I had gathered just about…
There are no “starters” anymore... When you create an account you can play all 58 characters to level 10, and unlock one of your choice at any time.
Jesus christ... I get so sick of the Snyder hate. He’s absolutely not the best director in hollywood, but he’s sure as shit not the worst. He’s made some fucking good movies... Dawn of the Dead, 300, Watchmen... All fucking fantastic... Hell, even Legend of the Guardian was pretty damn good.
Gonna dive into Red Dead Redemption again. Couldn’t pass it up for $7.49 when they announced it for backward compatibility on the Xbone.
Because Nintendo has zero idea what to do with consoles. Their IPs are priceless, but they can’t make consoles for shit.
This can really just be boiled down to “Hey, the girl I like doesn’t believe in the same things that I do... how do I handle this?”...
Yeah the more I hear about this mode, the less interested I am in it.
Aesthetically, Crouching Tiger is beautiful, but the wire work is so ridiculous that I can’t actually sit through the damn thing. Kill Bill’s special effects aren’t nearly as noticeable.