
I'm amazed that some MMO's still do the monthly fee thing, with how profitable cosmetic micro-transactions have been for many games. I feel like the monthly fee is at its death rattle.

I'm amazed that some MMO's still do the monthly fee thing, with how profitable cosmetic micro-transactions have been for many games. I feel like the monthly fee is at its death rattle.

I really don't know why they still bother with Japan... 3rd time around and still no one's interested.

There's not much more satisfying than watching a bunch of nerds have adverse reactions to someone saying they like Apple or the iPhone... It's become one of my favorite pastimes these last couple of years, lol.

Goddamn this looks amazing... I just hope there is substance to go with all that glitz though. I hope there are fleshed out cities, non-linear environments, reasons to explore off the beaten path... The battle system in XIII was probably my all time favorite, but the rest of the game was just a snoooooooze fest.

You can use likenesses of public political figures without copyright, such as the President or someone like that...

I see 20 Smash Bros posts a day as it is already... Hell, I don't pay attention to Nintendo stuff since I don't own one of their systems, but there was a time a couple months back that I saw so many damn articles about it that I thought it had been out for weeks when I found out the damn demo wasn't even out yet.

Just started Diablo 3 on the PS4 as well... I put a couple hundred hours in on it on the PC (never got the expansion though), and I gotta say, it makes me wonder why I ever bothered with it on the PC.... it's SOOOOOOO much better on the consoles.

Goddamn... 18.99?? Square Enix certainly is arrogant with the way they price 20 year old games.

Why was everyone so upset? Couldn't they just have switched over to the right movie real quick?

Someone help me out... should I give FFXIII another shot? I'm a lifelong fan of the games up to X, but 13 was the next one in the series that I tried, and I couldn't get into it. At the time, there was a ton of hate on the game through the media, and now I feel like I should have stuck with it... Has the game aged

This guy wins the internet burn war for the day.

How the hell am I supposed to move diagonally with those directional buttons?

This really sounds like a bunch of Americans bitching about how things aren't like America in Japan.... Especially the foreign language stuff... You're in a fucking foreign country, it's not their responsibility to make sure you can read their shit. This kind of shit makes me rage...

All digital leaves open the possibility for a new Shadow Complex!

Hey, it's no illegal to have bad taste. Good riddance... glad I won't get matched up with you in matchmaking anytime soon.

Yeesh... Who would replace RDJ, though? Who COULD replace him? It's interesting to think about... Marvel basically shot their proverbial wad with RDJ since he turned out to be so amazingly perfect for the role, but if they hadn't gotten someone that was that great for it, the franchise probably wouldn't have been as

But Norman Osborne wore it in the comics...

So, they're finally going to give users the system wide ID that they've wanted for 10 goddamn years? This is innovation?? Jesus christ, how can people still be so loyal to a company that's literally a decade behind the times?

Well, last year they released an HD console... so they caught up with 2004 finally... this year it's mobile phone games... Amazing! They are almost to 2008!