
Can we please go back back to the format where I could bring up the comic full screen on my phone? Or am I just missing how to do that now? The only way I can see the coming now is by going to the actual site... I used to be able to just click on the comic itself.

Yeah.... ummmm... it's not out, actually.

500-600$ will buy you a computer that runs games, not spectacularly, for about 10 months before you start getting shit that's unplayable. You want something that's console-generation-length (5-6 years) powerful enough to run every game at max settings from now until then, you're gonna spend 4 times that, and then

It's the fact that you can't trade in your games anymore, which when they are 60$ a pop, sometimes trading something in toward something new takes the sting out of the wallet a little, and also, now I can't even fucking borrow a game from a friend of mine without paying a goddamn fee? Seriously? It's draconian

Is it still controversial if he's just stating a fact? He's just saying what we're all thinking, really.

Wait... so they are discontinuing a service that everyone hated and admitting it's because everyone told them they hated it?

It's different for athletes, because fan participation (Buying tickets, merch, etc.) creates an environment of demand that the athletes can use when negotiating. You don't want NFL players making 20 million a year? Then convince all the fans to stop going to the games. That will change the salaries real quick. The

This is fucking disgusting. I don't care what the fuck your company does... bottom line, unless you're the CEO and your company cured AIDS there's no fucking reason for this kind of bump in pay, especially in today's world. What the fuck... this kind of thing just turns my stomach, but unfortunately becoming more and

Am I missing something? Why are there 2037809 posts about Mass Effect lately? I mean, I love the games, but has something new been announced recently or something?

If this is real time footage, it's damn impressive, but as we all know, take this with a grain of salt until we see some actual games.

No. No it won't. When will people learn their lesson with this shit?

It seems like Anonymous has grown up in the last year or so and has really taken up causes that matter in a positive way... maybe it's just me, but I'm beginning to come around to them these days.

" In the code of a gamer, even a deranged gamer like this little bastard, if somebody else kills you, they get your points. They believe that's why he killed himself."

"Classic police training. Or something you learn playing kill games."

He still shows up and runs his mouth from time to time though.

It's what they do to the people with no weapons or no malicious intent that bothers me. If you're a fan of reddit, go to the bad cop no donut sub, and witness how frequent and shocking the acts of violence and humiliation against civilians are. We have uneducated, ignorant 20-something bullies running the streets and

Cue Jack Thompson in 3....2....1....

I just wish I would get to beat a cop. Cops are shitty human beings.

Washington was not a fan of slavery. He inherited all the slaves in his estate, and freed them all after his death... Had he made slavery an issue during the revolution/formation of our government, the country would have been extremely divided, and the infighting would never have allowed the victory that was had by

You know who else owned slaves? Every fucking body... (except John Adams)... You can't judge history through a present day lens. Not saying I'm condoning it... but think, in 200 years when they look back at our history, someone might say "Sure he was a great president, but he owned handguns and didn't force marriage