
I agree... I really didn't like the suit from The Avengers... loved the movie, but the suit from the Cap movie was waaaaay better, and just looked more badass and functional, while the new one looked a little hokey...

In most cases you're right, but some companies do DLC right, like Gearbox with the Borderlands DLC's, which in my opinion are worth every penny, and Rocksteady releasing a whole new campaign for Arkham city well after the game's release.

We all know that the Robot is going to replace the wheelbarrow... it's a foregone conclusion.

Michelle Bachmann is still an elected official, so any gain in my faith in humanity is negated because this mutant is still a lawmaker.

I don't have a Vita, but a good friend of mine does and I've played around with it quite a bit, and it seems to be extremely worth it IF you have PS+... There are a ton of downloadable games that come free with you are a subscriber.... though other than that, I don't know if I would really get my money's worth out of

You didn't sell those... you sold the translucent Halo xboxes... Those were a common collector's edition...

Ummm... she's wearing a slutty santa costume....

I never use cheats... even the ones put in the game by some developers, like the GTA cheats. I just hate the thought of ruining a challenge for myself. I will use gamefaqs SOMETIMES... only if I'm at a really frustrating impasse, but only for that one part, then I'm back to my game on my own. As far as it being ok,

I'm with you on that... I loved AC3, and I don't understand all the hate it gets. It gets edged out just barely by Borderlands 2 for me, but I still love it, and have played through it multiple times.

For me it's Borderlands 2... I never could get into the first one for some reason, but I haven't been able to put this one down... it's just solid from front to back, the story is entertaining, the shooting mechanics are great, and even after 150+ hours I still get that anxious feeling whenever I'm playing with my

Yeah... I have a buddy that was set to try to sell something on Pawn Stars a year or so ago, and he told me that you go through a contact for the store and the network and even an interview on the phone before you even go to the place... they give you the whole "we'll get back to you" thing if you're chosen, and he

You just named 3 of the best games ever made as examples of games that shouldn't be on that list... If those don't belong, then for god's sake, please tell me what does....

Ugh... don't feed the PC trolls... They're bad enough as it is....

Also... we're quoting facebook trolls for stories now? Seriously?

This seems... completely inconsequential. Also, the cover looks pretty damn cool... Why is this even here?

I don't mind paying for reliability... XBL has always been just that... PSN has had a less than stellar record, yet is free, so you get what you pay for... but PS+, with all the free games you get as long as you subscribe is by FAR the best value... I just signed up a couple months ago, and must have downloaded no

Say what you will about his coaching skills, the man did have longevity in the profession... also, don't act like there's something wrong with day-drinkin... That's the best time to partake.

The games have been mostly meh, but the movies are goddamn masterpieces.

Actually, you're a huge nerd. Haha.

Considering Joystiq has had that capability for over 2 years now, compounded with the shitty redesign of the comment section of Kotaku... I'm about done at this point.