
This game is actually the most stable Bethesda launch I can even remember... I haven't come across any gamebreaking bugs... in fact the ONLY thing I've noticed that should be fixed is some very (I mean VERY) minor AI Pathing issues.... (360 version here)

I'd like to see you play this game for only an hour... I swear it's like a freaking wormhole or something... I'll start playing, and I swear 4 hours instantly fly off the clock.

Yelling all about influence and whatnot... I'll bet you're the first one in line to defend Nintendo, even though we've now had motion-control shovel ware spread onto all the consoles like a flesh eating virus...

Oh god... here come the trolls.

I'm 32... I prefer consoles. I don't hate PC gaming. I just hate PC nerds that think they're better than everyone else, or somehow more enlightened because of their chosen platform.

Yeah... sure sucks to pay for a service instead of use one that makes me afraid to even turn my system on without a hacker destroying my identity, or taking down the whole network for 6 weeks at a time... I'm such a sucker.

4 years here... even got a decent name with no numbers or weird letter combos... just Grizzly Face... that's all.

No... I'm offended by your stupidity because obvious sarcasm is apparently above your intelligence level.

Target will have Forza 4 for 27$, and Wal Mart will have Arkham City and Gears 3 for 28$ a piece... There's a bunch more ads already up on Blackfriday.com

Started a Wood Elf, but I think I might reroll and go pure caster Dark Elf.... and then I'll probably reroll a couple more times before I'm sure... lol... this game is pure awesome.


Good form sir. Well said.

He's giving an example of what people hating on COD are doing. Moron.

Way to buck that whole "PC Elitist master race asshole" stereotype there, bud.

Why does all the sweet free shit only go to those that can totally afford it.

This is you.

Gyah... Forza 4 and Arkham City for 28$ a piece is almost enough for me to brave Wal Mart on black friday... Almost.

I actually clean mine on a weekly basis...

32 years old here.... and I suppose I didn't consider the collectable nature of the guides for some people.

I'll never understand why people still buy these things... gamefaqs.com is free, AND will have more content then that thing a week after the game comes out (if it takes that long)...