
It's because it's popular... that's really the only reason people hate on it. Kind of like Zach Snyder movies... when he made Dawn of the Dead, everyone was up on his nuts because it came out of nowhere from an unknown director, revolutionized the genre and kicked all kinds of ass... after 300 did pretty much all the

Oh come on... he wasn't bashing gays... And the "die" part that was apparently so disturbing was aimed at another player's avatar. Don't tell me that if any of us have ever played WoW (I'm sure most here have at least dabbled in it) that you haven't said worse to some random opposing player that just won't leave you

They did... a good sniper can still pin a whole team down, but it's not nearly as easy as it used to be.

The beta is a completely different world than the final release... I had my reservations because of it, but I can tell you that it's 100000000x better in the final release.

Got it for 360, it's incredible. You're missing out if you skip it.

You won't spawn on top of enemies if you choose the deployment spawn point... the only reason you spawn on top of enemies is if you squad spawn and your mate is near some enemies. And that is your fault.

.... It doesn't.

Honestly it looks friggin badass... I know NOBODY that posts on kotaku buys these games though, right? I mean judging from the comments we're all enlightened gamers that only play portal and zelda games, right?

Holy crap... where did you get this thing called "logic" and "reason"? I demand you turn them in to the proper authorities at once!

I'll be there!

They canned this once already because of backlash from fans about it being set in new york, and the stars being white... and they come back and do the same fucking thing.

was originally posting about how these already exist, but seeing as how EVERYONE else already has... comment edited.

Oh I know that happens... I'm just saying that it's not happening THAT much. And still... when it comes down to a small number of people getting banned for no reason vs a network getting hacked, being down for a month and a half, and personal info being compromised, I think that XBL comes out on top of the stability

Hmmm... interesting take. You might be right.

I just meant in general... the OP was talking about how PS3 > 360, and I was just saying that sometimes there are sharper textures on the PS3, which is an advantage for some.

I don't see a problem with a focus on marksmanship in a FPS... isn't that how you separate the skilled from the un skilled?

Only 8 kills to unlock every perk?? Whew.... I get that all the time... That might be a little OP. (But it will be fun as hell)

Heh... I own all three, but the wii is my wife's, of course, lol.

Nope... never been banned... and while that happens to some people, I'm willing to bet that the people that claim they are getting banned for no reason is much larger than the ones that actually do.... and yeah, the controller thing is my opinion... You're right...

Good call on those servers... really wish EA would just use the XBL servers like everyone else... especially when they are so much more reliable.