
Two glaring disappointments for me:

Eh, I have no doubt that the guy has tried his ass off over the last 6 years... but it's just not working. The guy simply doesn't have the talent to be an NFL QB... the 49ers front office has nothing in mind except saving money and with Alex being one of the worst QBs in the league over the last half decade, they saw

One could say that Gears of War wants to be Warhammer, since the 40k armor and overall look has been around much longer.

That's how it is in NCAA... no commentary in RTG mode at all... but from what I understand, Gus Johnson is so bad this year that you won't miss it anyway, lol.

Here too... but I wasn't the only one shaking my head when they gave Alex Smith ANOTHER year to prove himself... ugh... my hopes aren't high, but I will be rooting for them every Sunday wearing my #52 jersey!

I'm disappointed to hear this... this year was the first I really put some effort into RTG mode on NCAA, all with the intention of having a glorious hall of fame career with him in Madden... I guess I still can, but it seems like it's just tacked on... oh well... Franchise is where it's at anyway...

They do... this is just how they represent her to the media.... it's really pointless... and ugh could they have gone any more sad-emo chick with it? Terrible work.

That cave you live in decorated pretty well or what?

Nope... I use a battery pack and it lasts about twice as long as my PS3 controller...

You're the one making stuff up dude....

And one more thing... the PS3's battery does NOT last longer than the 360's... I'm always having to charge mine, and I even use a battery pack on my 360's controller and it lasts about twice as long... also, "unresponsive wireless connection"???? LOL... dude I don't know what the hell you're talking about... so much

It's all a matter of opinion, you're right... but the 360 controller is widely considered probably best example of what a controller should be... the PS3? Gyah, there are types of games that I just can't play with a PS3 controller... shooters and racers to be exact. The sticks are so loose that my reticule just flies

Lol... where are you renting from? All the places near me are 7 bucks for 7 days, except redbox, which is a rip off... and even if you look at it from a "rental" perspective... it's 24.99 for a damn 3 day rental????? WTF????

I can get on board with that, lol.

I'm confused... because they drive a jeep? Or because they play COD? Because Jeeps are incredibly dependable and durable... They hold their value better than just about any other brand.

Whaaaaat? Jeeps are girly? You're retarded dude... I drive a 4door and love it, and I haven't set foot in a frat house and I'm no dudebro... lol... You obviously have no idea how dependable and durable they are. My dad drove one... the same one... for almost 20 years, and then he sold it to some kid. It didn't die or

Completely agree... this motion gaming puke has just got to stop. There will never be a way to make AAA titles like Skyrim or Mass Effect without a controller... And I know that Nintendo scored big this gen, but it wasn't with gamers... it was with grandmas and girlfriends... and now the rest of the big 3 want a piece

There's like 7 pics dude...

Chris Johnson should be 100 in speed no doubt.... I'd put Manning above Brady in accuracy.... and maybe it's just because I live so far away from the market and never see them play, but is anyone else confused at Jamaal Charles' 99 in elusiveness? I didn't think he was that big of a game changer... I may be wrong, but

Game of Thrones, Dexter, Community... they would like a word with you.