
I love NCAA... I'e veen a fan for years, but the difference is that I've had 4 bottles of wine tonight, so I'm gonna wax un-poetic for a minute.

Too many clothes...

Eh, it's just an arcade game... if they were trying to pass this crap off as a true retail sequel we'd have a problem, but they aren't, so whatever.

Nice! Is one of them a Lancer? I'd spring for one of those bad boys.

Everything I've seen about this game looks awesome... I have resisted trying it out for so long... I might have to succumb to the pressure after that.


There actually is a no-gun rule for the marketplace.

/double facepalm

What's funny is the fact that the Civil war wasn't started over slavery... in fact, some states in the north still had slaves legally AFTER the emancipation proclimation, simply because the EP only applied to southern states.

This wins.

That's not the problem... the problem is the game companies leaving the hardcore gamers out in the cold because all they want to sell to now is the impulse-buying grandmas and girlfriends.

The next gen will be the death of the hardcore console gamer... I might have to go back to PC gaming (REALLY don't want to)

This wins so hard.

Hell yes we do... not like we used to, my dad used to literally buy truckloads of fireworks on the 4th, but even these days my wife and I and all our friends chip in for a bunch... I love blowin shit up.

Ohhh... I had no idea they were different. Thanks for the info!

It's fun... The R2 button has been used for reloading in all the games, I think, so that's not an issue... I'm thinking a counter melee button would be hard to do right in multiplayer... though I haven't played Co op yet so they might have screwed it up... I love the one map that starts out on the plane... that's a

It's called a mute button. It amazes me when I hear someone online shouting "Shut the fuck up!!"... it takes 3 seconds to mute someone.

I stand corrected. Douchebags it is, :P

Once again California loses another battle in the war of ignorance vs. common sense. The state's a joke anymore, as we hear almost daily stories of ridiculous propositions such as banning black vehicles, limiting the size of a person's television, or commanding all hotels to keep 20% of their rooms open at all times

Well you could always go down there and make sure you pre ordered the fancy pack.