
Distinctions are the ones you use to get the top tier armors... so this is a good thing for me to hear. If it had been triumphs I would have been like, eh....

Those are the marks you have to earn to get the top tier sets of armor.... for an average player like me, that's about 2 weeks of work. Must say I'm happy to hear this, though the game was suffering before the crash, I don't know if it will make it after it comes back up.

I guess he wasn't that into "virgins"... lol...

There's a seizure warning on every box, and on the screen when you start PS3 games up. Nothing this guy can do... suit will be thrown out. It is unfortunate for him though.

Yeah, I really wanted to get the new Mortal Kombat on the PS3, but I love fighting online, so I got it for the 360 instead.

I can understand Halo and the Battlefield games, but Unreal? QUAKE? ROFL.... did you even PLAY the last quake?

Interesting... I feel as if Black Ops is the most balanced, fun version since CoD4... MW2 was a broken, glitchy, unbalanced mess, and I quit playing it like 3 weeks after it came out. I'm still playing Black Ops though...

In other news, the sun will come up in the morning....

Yes they have, lol... starting with the Jasper systems, and now the slims, they don't get the RR anymore... in fact, I haven't even heard of anyone getting it in about 2 years now.

I got my xbox back in 12 days when it red ringed...

Yeah, the RR doesn't really happen anymore... especially with the new model...

For me, the PSN outage. I play online games almost exclusively... aside from you Mass Effects and Elder Scrolls or Fallouts, I'm all about Halo, Madden, CoD, Tiger Woods, Battlefield BC2, etc... When my Xbox Red Ringed, I got it back from M$ in 12 days. I haven't been able to play online on my Ps3 for longer than

For me, the PSN outage is worse. I play online games almost exclusively... aside from you Mass Effects and Elder Scrolls or Fallouts, I'm all about Halo, Madden, CoD, Tiger Woods, Battlefield BC2, etc... When my Xbox Red Ringed, I got it back from M$ in 12 days. I haven't been able to play online on my Ps3 for longer

Good call... with Skyrim AND Battlefield 3 coming out this year, one of these three would have suffered with no playtime for a couple months...

Why does Nintendo fight so hard to always stay behind the times in the console arena?

Screams for a "caption this" contest tho!

Well then why the hell did you....

The dude to Obama's left couldn't be bothered to look up from his round of TF2?

So.... is there a link to this information somewhere or what?

So the right thing to do is to let people die to prove a point? I don't see it....