
@josh6135: Watch it again, it really doesn't hold up... though Nicholson was great as the Joker, the movie itself hasn't stood the test of time very well... And the sequel wasn't as good as the first to begin with... the Bale batman is THE batman in my opinion.

@deanbmmv: This is why I stick to console gaming for the most part.

@BigLundy: It is from Psycho, and also from Scream, which tried its best to pay homage to classic horror movies, but failed and became a crappy teen slasher flick instead.

@Kralecs: Pre ordered a while back... but I don't think we'll have to camp out here, (East Tennessee), I buy at the local game haven usually, and there were only about 5 people there for modern warfare 2 at midnight, so I'm sure I won't have trouble getting FFXIII immediately.

Hollywood warms up to a missile command movie, yet it's impossible to get a Halo movie greenlit....

@Orionsaint: You speak the truth, sir... SSX Tricky is my all time favorite extreme sports game. Gah, I got so good at that game it was pathetic, lol.

Man I watched this last night, and I'm not even a snowboarding enthusiast or anything, yet the amount of distance in the skill that he has and the skill that everyone else has is simply staggering. Watching him compete right now is like watching Michael Jordan in his prime, if he had gotten in a time machine and

@Musai: I personally haven't played Demon's Souls, but from what I heard it is incredible, original, innovative... all the great buzzwords you would prefer to see attached to your favorite game.

@HideoFTW: Really? Because GTA4 and the Mass Effect series are two of the best reviewed games of this generation... And neither one are FPS.

"When you look at most Western RPGs, they just dump you in a big open world, and let you do whatever you like..." Toriyama adds that it "becomes very difficult to tell a compelling story when you're given that much freedom".

@jgibson75: That's the one thing I'm worried about with Dead Rising... or any non-fighting game to come out of Japan, really... they just can't get on board with a save-anywhere system for some reason...

@jgibson75: Always the voice of reason, Gibson... As I read some of these comments, I think to myself... Are we really still not past the point of console fanboyism? I thought it had gone the way of landline telephones, dial up internet, and conservative republicans... It's just an ancient, failing way of thinking,

@wezelboy: So because you bought one PC game in 5 years, you're abandoning your Xbox?

@Chester Coat Sleaves: Jesus... 75k a year? Where do you live? Because where I live, that's livin FAT.

@Comatose Turtle: Wow... You either haven't played on an HDTV in a looooong time or not at all. The jump in quality is incredible... I couldn't ever go back to SD at this point. HD is just beautiful, a blind man could tell SOME difference...

Something tells me that the results that come out of this poll will be severely skewed away from what the actual numbers are in reality throughout the country simply because it's being taken by people that frequent Kotaku... and we take gaming seriously... so I'd say that the majority of us own HDTV's...

Gorgeous... I played enough 2K9 this year on my 360 to wish that I had a PS3 to enjoy an even better baseball experience.... Not saying that 2k9 sucked, but it's just not in the same league as the Show...

@jgibson75: I don't know man... It might be just me but I'd rather see Nintendo, who's not exactly known for timely or frequent first party releases, work more on getting a new Zelda out, or finishing up Galaxy 2 than re hashing old titles... Some of those would be fun to play but I just really don't see the point.

Man this game looks more and more awesome every day...

I'm so excited for this... I spent a couple hundred hours scouring the wasteland in Fallout 3, that it has almost reached Final Fantasy III (VI) status in my heart! More Fallout plz!