Evan S Ent

It has been suggested that Black Lightning has perfect control over the flow of electricity - hence the non-lethal but showy and painful blasts. This could, of course, also be used to burn out some nerves in sensitive areas, ensuring the john never can sin again.

It would just confirm his beliefs, Saru spends every minute assuming somebody is going to eat him, and not in a good way.

I am pretty sure Lorca will be a part of the alliance of Klingons, Vulcans and Andorians. The first thing he does on escaping from the dungeon will be to send out a broadcast revealing the top-secret location of the Imperial Palace. He may be a bastard but he is a bastard on the side of hope and freedom.

Plutonium flakes are more expensive.

Methaqualone was the date rape drug of choice in the 1980s in the US, I believe.

And he is going to get flamed.

I think they would have named their country something like Liberia, which was named as the place of freedom or something more African like New Egypt.

Message to all intelligent Americans:

Thanks for that, sane and helpful. Seems like he covered most of the bases there, “complex democratic transitions” being a very diplomatic way to describe one problem.

Champagne bottles are the best. I used an old gooseberry (brand not available any more, sadly) champagne bottle for years as a hammer for nails in soft wood.

Many of them have not started, so obviously will not be available yet.

Because the park officers had to distract themselves from their laughter before they got hiccups.

But he’s too consistently stoned and drunk to cope with being in public at all, let alone catching a plane. He can’t even remember to leave his dog at home when going abroad.