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    I saw all of them last night in DC. What a cool clusterfuck.

    I've paid the BMW tax before. My E30 was a magnet, my M235i is like catnip, and my E46 wagon is invisible.

    I had a similar reaction when importing an E30 from Canada!

    I got so many tickets for this in DC and the thread on the M235i was apparently different than on the stupid 335 so I had to wait weeks and many tickets before my side mount arrived. The whole thing is annoting but I wasnt going to ruin my bumper.

    Fuck this guy. I live in DC, am 26, and love cars to an unhealthy degree. Katie’s Cars and Coffee is proof alone of how diverse this hobby still is from an age, ethnicity, and taste standpoint. I see lots of twenty-somethings there and every one of my non-car friends has a great time when they attend. The enthusiasm

    I don’t need another one. But I want THAT one.

    I think I’m doing it okay.

    I have a few BMWs, one with an ///M on the back. I will be in the dealer the minute this arrives in the US.

    They also claim to have found a training film.

    40 baby penguins...LOL!

    I posted the same thing. What a miserable piece of shit.

    This. It wasn’t just a disgrace but it was unoriginal. Worst car I can remember driving.

    Oh please let it be this. It's like buying a slot car and then some tracks!

    I’m going with pod baby.

    I’m a serial BMW offender. I have a wagon. Until recently I had an E30. And I also have an M235i which I will now NEVER get rid of.

    I know. That's kind of the point I'm making — it's always held up as an icon of bulletproof simplicity.

    Not saying it didn't or that this is a bad thing. Just saying how much grousing there'd be if it were brought up about a BMW

    Great article Tyler.

    If this were a German manufacturer we’d never hear the end of “overengineered/unreliable” comments and “LS swap” comments and plenty of “‘Murica!” Since this is a corvette though...guess it's not a big deal.

    Disappointing to hear. I'm a BMW guy and always wondered about these.