
@achalddave: But seeing a movie in the theater is not something solid either .

@Damage: "...viral...viral...VIRAL..."

@Robotronic: Just like sales on smartphones.

I have an Android phone and vastly prefer it to my iPhone.

"high-earning, educated, likely to travel for business, and more likely to be male."

"Dogs LOVE ice."

@hawkeye18: And your entire hypothesis is based on the fact that if the word was used incorrectly it should automatically be assumed as fact that it was an intellectual error (i.e., doesn't know the difference) and not an unintentional mistake. Jumping to such a wild conclusion based on a single error (the rest of the

@Grindhouse Murders: "Free doesn't mean it has to be free all the time to everyone. It can be a limited event."

@Grindhouse Murders: "And, why should Apple be held liable for a bumper to you if you procrastinate, lose it, get it stolen, or don't like the color of your FREE product? "

@alek2407: Not really. You can get one free for a limited time and only one per customer..

@Mike Dillon: That's not quite how trademarks work.

@chefgon: I didn't wear a watch until I was 35 (a girlfriend bought me one. I started wearing it rather to be nice.). I've always had a pretty good sense of time and then eventually just checked my pager/PDA/phone.

@RobShow: "For me personally I like a simple OS for a mobile device where I could find things easily when I'm in a hurry. This is also true for I guess 80% percent of the market. "

@clearzero: "I don't think Android even had touch capabilities before the iPhone. It's common knowledge that the iPhone changed everything. "

@RandySinger: Geez, some people are so gullible they will swallow whatever they are told if it is what they want to hear.

@Stevox: "Anyway, if you want to make strict marketshare comparisons, compare the Droid vs the iPhone or N1 vs iPhone, etc. Heck, maybe you can pit a specific gen iPhone against a specific Android OS phone."

I never got a day's worth (from early morning until late night) out of my iPhone either.

@robotkiller: Dropped calls has always been a fact of life with iPhones (whether AT&T or Apple is to blame). It was infrequent enough for me that it was more of an occasional nuisance that a really big problem.

@jasondiaz: Well, at least you acknowldge that the article was talking about bridging. Unfortunatly for you, it also proves your claim that Gizmodo only started talking about bridging after the Consumer Reports review was completely made up.