
@quitcherbichinn: " the issue is a dead horse. and misleading the public into reading an article is a bit lame."

@shiben589: I would like to point out that at least 90% of people blaming Gizmodo are pretending this hasn't been the biggest tech story of the year even on mainstream news sites.

@MayorBloomberg: " What's more true is the more of a product you have to manufacture, the higher the number of defective products you will ship. "

@vinod1978: "The mere fact they admit that they have complaints about the reception issue at all shows that this issue is not unique to the iPhone."

@clearbox: "Remember when everyone thought Apple was crazy for getting rid of the floppy drive in the iMac?"

@Chris102192: Because this part of the conversation is not about the iPhone having problems but the weaselly corporate-speak of the press conference.

@mecha2142: That's what I was wondering.

So as evidence of no design problem and/or insignificant number of phones with a problem:

@cryonine001: "you're talking < 1 for every 100 calls" it is that sort of meaningless corporatespeak I am talking about.

Let's see: a statement saying the anntenna is superior is followed in the next breath saying it drops more calls than the previous generation.

@Tetsuooooooo: I just did a search on CNN and they have had 6 articles in the last two days; MSNBC eight; FoxNew four; USAToday four.

@Tetsuooooooo: The mainstream media is reporting it too. In fact, it would be harder to find one that doesn't have an article about this than to list all that do.

@Andy Mesa: Both. I am saying that as they struggle with that, sometimes the emotional side wins, sometimes the objective side does. And sometimes it is a mix of both.

Part of the problem may be is that there are a lot of people for whom the brand of Apple is part of who they are (similar to the way Harly Davidson is for some people); it's part of their self identity: 'I'm an Apple person'.

Despite being a larger phone, the Droid X's screen is actually smaller than the Evo's.

@songs: Yeah, look at the design for a few minutes and then hide it.

@sinfire: I can think of a couple of reasons (aside from affecting the visual appeal as you mention):

@Spartanical: Um, of course it is a figure of speech. I was using it the exact way you were just applying it to Vista instead of iPhone. Do you really need explained to you that my post is just a copy of what you said only changing what product it is applied to?