...you’re not going to win overall with a GT car.....you’ve seen the P1 cars, right?
...you’re not going to win overall with a GT car.....you’ve seen the P1 cars, right?
You’re right, diesel hatchbacks are so much more fun...
What are you talking about...the car is perfectly usable on the road. And by the way...you’re disappointed that a car designed to be as fast as possible is as fast as possible? And what did they “ditch” that you’d “otherwise need” - please give examples. You’re as unlikely to see one of these as you are any other…
...what? He’s simply pointing out that as a society, we’re becoming insanely litigious, and are increasingly erasing the ability to thinking critically (or at all in some cases) when it comes to making decisions. There’s nothing “tinfoil” about it - it’s a literal fact.
Based on how they fucking reported that BMWs seemingly had a problem with catching on fire? Jesus...might as well have no journalistic standards at all, right...
....I think you’re kind of missing the point. Not everything has to be a Toyota Camry, designed for pure functionality.
...you’re aware that a Camry is well-equipped for about 32k, right? Unless you live somewhere where all imports are taxed to hell, I guess...
One of the few things the gov’t is supposed to do is protect us against breaches of property or rights by another...which she quite clearly is guilty of, many times over. As a fellow small-gov’t supporter, that’s how I look at it.
She’s a fucking danger to society and has been in multiple accidents, altercations, and nearly injured/killed people many times. We don’t need to hear her side of the story...the story is quite clear at this point.
They sell more E63 wagons in the US than anywhere else...pretty sure it’s coming here.
Can’t wait to read all the hate you’ll get for suggesting that people speak properly.
....uh...that’s quite the power bump for 2k....not sure if you understand how this works...
The 328 has different pistons as well, has lower compression so it can run more boost.
It still makes a lot less power...the V12 will walk away at higher speeds.
Yes, yes it does...that’s literally what makes an engine vibrate...lack of balance. Also, the V12 is still faster than the V8 at anything that this car will be doing regularly.
Tom, you should know better.
People like you need help. Fuck off, this site isn’t for you.
Really? That’s rather stupid, what on earth would cause you to think that way.
I’m sorry...what the hell are you talking about? Small-minded? You angry little children descend on every article about this car (and it’s predecessor) with the same, false, idiotic tropes about how “it’s really not that interesting or impressive” - not hard to pull off? Do you even know a single thing about the…
He got kicked off for that? Wow, that’s a bit...ridiculous. We’re starting to run out of places to have fun. “Take it to the track” doesn’t really work when the track also requires you to drive the same way you do on your morning commute.