This is false. Holy Christ. Some of you need to quit while you’re ahead.
This is false. Holy Christ. Some of you need to quit while you’re ahead.
This website clearly has an agenda based on that header...
Wow, your anecdotal evidence is unfaltering proof....
Wow, you really think a government agency knows what they’re talking about? They won’t even let use proper adaptive headlights. Jesus, please learn to think for yourself.
That is merely one factor of many. Using your logic, 1 mph is peak efficiency.
Proof? That’s like saying all houses are the same size. Ridiculous and untrue. Just think about what you just said for 5 seconds...every single car ever made is most efficient at exactly 55 mph?
...takes about 3 seconds to get over that.
Sounds like we need to pull your drivers license. If you can’t pilot a modern car at 85 mph, you shouldn’t be driving. Period.
It’s a bit softer than a Hellcat, it’s hardly an uncontrollable boat. Let’s all relax a bit here and use our brains.
You may want to explore therapy
I promise you, for an extra 10k, they’ll paint it any color you want, period. Including this one.
Let’s hold on a second...many of these are much brighter on a car, you know, in real life.
Trying to figure out what logic you used to write this comment but I got nothing.
Hmm. I remain unstressed by it.
Did you read the article? It is literally not BMW CCA’s policy. This one local chapter decided to get all tinfoil-hat and implement it themselves.
Sounds like you need some fucking mental help then.
At the least - I sure as shit am not cleaning that off my car. Certainly don’t want a several pound object slamming into my car at 80 mph.
Anti-cool signaling stopped being cool years ago.
....yeah, that’s totally how it went down.
Oh, good. One of you. “BUT BUT WHAT IF SOMEONE WAS BEHIND” - what a stupid argument. Ostensibly you’re arguing that stopping for any object in the road is a bad idea because it might hurt a human who isn’t paying attention driving behind you. That’s idiotic. A person would have done the same thing, generally…