Evan, Pope Of Jalopnik by Self-Appointment

So...I’m not sure why she still has a license...I’m sure they’ve been pulling over people for minor speeding infractions and rolling stops this entire time, meanwhile this complete and utter dangerous moron is still allowed to operate a motor vehicle? Christ, what the hell. Also, why has no one confronted her? Like

These are the words of a man who has been scared beyond repair

Oh man, haven’t seen that joke since 2015

Man you people that just seeth for the cops to come rough up anyone you don’t like are really strange...

They took these jobs to other countries because uneducated idiots who can’t even keep themselves sober for 7 hours a day wanted more money per hour to put bolts in holes than many mid-level lawyers make. So, perhaps let’s address the insane labor union issue we have here. Labor unions and gov’t loans are two facets

You do understand, do you not (unless you’re an idiot, which you may be) that Trump’s policies have nothing to do with a free market or capitalism? Just because he stuck an “R” next to his name, all of a sudden that mean’s he’s Mr. Capitalism? What a lazy way to think about things.

And, unlike the “article” - everything he wrote was useful.

Oh, really? How do you destroy and confiscate wealth without force? Did you read that fucking sentence before you typed it?

Oh man, I feel so sorry for people like you.

He did in fact call for price controls. Collectivism is a continuum. Just saying that literally everything except the very far end of the scale isn’t “actually it” is ridiculous and just another way to dodge actual analysis of the idea.

Trying to figure out what the point of this piece is...other than to stir up anger and hate in the comment section.

I have a feeling quite a lot, perhaps intentionally, was left out of the description here. I seriously doubt they’re charging an extra 40k for a few carbon bits, different wheels, and a different ECU tune.

Welcome to yet another round of “Can’t Just Directly Convert European Prices To USA Prices And Assume That Will Be The Price”

No one is preventing women from getting into racing....why must you force people to do things just to fit a gender quota? I’d hate to approach life that way.

Crazy, almost as if they’re more worried about hiring fast drivers than drivers of a specific gender.

...nothing is holding anyone back. They should just get better at driving, I think. Seems to be the main issue so far.

Uh...yes it quite literally does....

I’ve literally never seen a Jalopnik writer “rag on” the Corvette. You’re making this up.

...I think you need to rethink “timeless” - they look good, yes. But they look old. And they feel old to the air pushing against them.

Not sure what you’re getting at. I don’t prefer the sound of a 4 but I don’t think anyone is under the impression that this engine is “trying to sound like something it’s not” - it sounds exactly like a highly tuned turbo 4