Evan, Pope Of Jalopnik by Self-Appointment

No it won’t. And it won’t.

....so, again, we go back to “It was clear and easy to see that it was clear” - so all your hand-wringing and Think Of The Children-ing about “WHAT IF A BUS OF DISABLED TODDLERS WAS COMING IN THE OTHER DIRECTION” is quit literally neither here nor there. And, as cited above, this move was legal in TX due to the

Because he wasn’t? Christ on sale what is wrong with you people? A fucking truck run by a man who barely finished high school paints a line on a road and all of a sudden the morality of a person who crosses it is called into question? The mental gymnastics at work are...truly staggering.

Theoretically, yes you damn well could. Are you implying there is a fixed, direct relationship between any sort of injury/death and illegal passing? Because that is demonstrably false. Which, you you know, you’d get if you used the non-lizard portions of your brain.

And? If the line was dashed instead of solid he wouldn’t have been...who gives a singular flying fuck? Jesus, do you people know how to engage in critical thinking at all?

Jesus fuck, the public education system really did a number on you didn’t it.

Jesus, people like you really don’t belong in America. You’re the reason we have the problems we do.

...no it’s not. Please learn how to logic.

...no, that’s not how it works.

...on a long, straight, flat road? He did nothing wrong.

This is the new Western mindset. Follow all laws, do what the government tells you. Do not question it ever. If you do, any punishment is acceptable.

Are you fucking insane? Christ, I hope you never accidentally drop a wheel over a double yellow line or exceed the speed limit by 1 mph, I suppose that means it’s fine if someone attempts to end your life?

Please let it be more attractive than the god-awful A5 variants. And please let it sound halfway decent.

Wow, it’s almost like some people don’t mind that aspect of our culture, and you seem angry that they think this way...even though they willingly participate. Give it up, the west is about done with you people. Why don’t you go try telling Saudi Arabia to treat their women better? I guess that doesn’t merit a

No, she’s doing nothing. Yes, you could also stand in public and piss on speed limit signs to protest but that’s also a do-nothing bullshit waste of time.

Subject themselves to...what? The gaze of a man? Jesus christ, you people are unhappy. What reform? There is none needed.

They are a tiny, tiny percentage of the population and disproportionately not interested in motor sports, as far as I can tell and as far as I’ve been told by many a gay man. So...what are you getting your panties in a bunch for?

....Yes, enjoying the way a woman looks as a straight male is the same as sexual harassment. Do you people actually think these things or are you just really afraid of pissing people off on the internet? Seriously - I’m curious.

...so you spent several lines having an outburst about someone else’s “not getting the article” (false, he addressed it directly) - but couldn’t enlighten us with any original thoughts of your own?

Are you seriously implying that it’s a bad thing that most men are attracted to attractive women and would like to have sex with them? Really? That’s something we need to somehow change?