Evan, Pope Of Jalopnik by Self-Appointment

...there is no reason you should ever “need a camshaft” in an E55...at this point I’m fairly certain most of you are making things up. That engine is bulletproof. So is the tranny. Yes, once in a while there can be expensive repairs...but if you actually know how to work on a car and aren’t just pretending to on

Don’t worry...it’s just a bunch of parrots that just sit around waiting for Jalopnik to write anything about a luxury car so they can make up things about how terrible it is, having never even sat in one.

...stop making things up and spreading misinformation...the engines in these cars are bulletproof...so are the drivelines, if they’re maintained at all. The plastics suck, sure. Most cars under 75k had that problem in the late 90s-early 00s.

Nothing really, just more Jalopnik “ALL EXPENSIVE CARS R BAD!” hand-waiving.

Not really...they’re not very complex. The drivetrains are bulletproof...everything else is pretty simple compared to even cheap modern cars.

I’m not defending what is happening in this specific article....but you are aware that we have vastly improved food quality, yield, and pricing in just the last 50 years, right? You know what it was like before machines and biologists got involved with farming? It was a horrible grind, there was much waste, there

Have a separate old IBM laptop that has it installed, and can confirm it is a POS.

You can download Carly, get an OBDII adapater, and do it yourself. Many people already do.

Please explain to me in detail how the “free market” we have in the United States led to exactly this station. Be specific, don’t just fire back with emotional Buzzfeed/Reddit/Bernie Sanders talking points. I’ll wait.

Let’s not get too crazy...fairly certain your car is worth more with a proper, well-known aftermarket installed to fix a know issue than it is just broken...can’t imagine anyone disagreeing.

...what? The track has a timing system...how do you think these times are measured? Jesus...

I’m trying to figure out if you actually believe this or not. Please point to one verified, fact-based example of Teslas making the “roads more dangerous”

...it’s the 60 foot time.

For at least 97% of people, that is exactly what a car should be. I am confused by you people that think all cars ever made need to be this highly tunable, super-modifiable track monsters. Have you seen the average car owner?

Where are you people getting this “2 runs” stuff...one guy who literally pulls it out of his ass in the comments and now it’s a fact? Please do some research.

Simply not true.

Not sure how you would go about replacing a 1000+ pound battery pack yourself, it’s not safe or even practical unless you have some extremely advanced tools at your disposal.

That’s not true, it takes many, many runs to drain the battery.

Sounds like you should’ve looked at the car a bit more closely before you bought it.

...the point is to go around a track faster. Your interests are not everyone’s interests