Evan, Pope Of Jalopnik by Self-Appointment

Right, much better to go through life driving appliances...

....they’re plastic. Who cares. Jesus. Do all you people need the government to save you from everything?

The device you used to post this comment is far more complex than iDrive.

Had exactly the same thought. Used to be written and run by genuine enthusiasts, not just guys who wanted to have opinions on the internet and happened to have an interest in cars.

No, metallurgy, tolerances, manufacturing and technology are just better. No doubt this may play a very small role, but overall, things are just better now.

This is the best post on this site in 2016. Thank you sir. All of this and more is 100% correct.

Did you just stop evolving your personal behavior in kindergarten or....?

How did they screw their customers? They’re paying more than the cars are worth. These people got to own a rather nice vehicle for free. The Bernie rally is the other direction.

They aren’t. For fucks sake some of you are delusional.

Pretty sure they’ve already been fined out the asshole. Or did you forget that part. Fucking Christ.

Are you fucking insane. They took nothing from you and are still rendering you a profit. What a stupid, ignorant child you are.

The two are unrelated, how dense can you be.

No, you’re not alone, and you know that. You’re also entirely wrong .

Looks like you are

...do you get how any of this works? Christ.

Pretty sure its easy to define, you sound like one of those guys.

Do fuck off. They did nothing to hurt any of these people.

It never fails - if you don’t account for every possible loophole, some will absolutely find a way to use it to be a massive asshole.

“5 spoke wheels” “overwrought”

Bought the car in the picture. Despite the fact that it already has one major and one minor problem, I still love it. It’s beautiful to drive and look at. Wouldn’t give it up for anything. Except for the S65 I almost bought, possibly....