Evan, Pope Of Jalopnik by Self-Appointment

How the hell did they make your life worse? Grow up you petulant child. Fucking hell.

Oh do fuck off.

What? It will be AWD most of the time...current car is already traction-limited.

Hey guy, you’re in the massive minority. Open your eyes and step out of the echo chamber.

“Tremendous loss of fun” - Yes, I am absolutely miserable in my e60 M5 with SMG.

False dichotomy, and extremely wrong. You can appreciate faster shifts at every speed.

Everything beaks in the long run. Why do anything.

I’ve never even heard of that problem, they’re probably just dirty. Clean them, you’ll be fine. No need for sky-is-falling Luddism.

Dude, the rest of the world wants infotainment in their cars. And so do I. You and the 7 other people who morally object to it aren’t going to change any minds.

Hey guy, we get it. GM’s building an electric hatchback and you love it. Calm down.

You’re a petulant child. They’re paying you for it, that’s why you give it to them. You have no one but yourself to blame if the dealer turns you away. I hope they do.

It’s pretty clear that there are some conditions upon which they will not accept it. Please prove that there aren’t...

Jesus, the turbo? Do you know how cars work? Christ, people like you are the reason most car companies treat their customers as poorly as they do.

Yeah, no, they didn’t. Calm the fuck down. You get more lung damage from a night in a smoke-filled dive bar than standing next to any TDI from the last 5-7 years for a lifetime. You sound extremely ignorant.

I’m still confused as to how, as an owner, they “screwed you over”

Looks like no Lambo ever made that I can think of

I promise you I have plenty of fun in much flappy-paddle car.

And aren’t faster

Not even close, more like a couple hundred pounds. The M5 is vastly superior to the IS-F in most ways.

If you own a car with an S65 or S85 under the hood, yes, that’s how you drive it. We don’t all hypermile our diesel hatches everywhere.