Evan, Pope Of Jalopnik by Self-Appointment

Most of the early “underwhelming” reviews were of pre-pro models, at which point Honda made it very clear that there was still some tweaking left to be done. Also many of those reviews were without the optional higher performance tires, which for the life of me I can’t understand why aren’t standard.  

Motor Trend =/= Road & Track

I feel like I’m there

Not really a useful or relevant point. This car is basically 80% of a McLaen P1 for about 1/7th of the price. Please tell me again how it’s “overpriced”

So is this the part where all the assholes, who never having even seen one with their own two eyes, declared it a tragedy, abortion, mistake, awful, terrible, etc, finally get to eat some crow?

Then that’s your opinion. Go build your own car.

Why do anything? I mean that’s kind of a ridiculous question. Obviously the answer is because they wanted to do this swap. That’s like walking up to a guy eating a steak and saying “But why didn’t you get the ribs? I wanted you to get the ribs.” - because he wanted the steak.

This is lighter, smaller, and more powerful than an LS. So, advanatages.

Hate to break it to you but it’s not going to be worth anything extra in 10 years. It’s a very nice car but it’s not an investment, at all. It’s mass-produced.

I mean, so what. It’s still in production. They’re going to make a million of the things. If you want a clean one, buy it. They’re cheap as shit.

Obviously if the demand is there the market will take care of it. Unless of course the gov’t gets in the way as it always does.

Man you people must have very tough lives, believing everything is out to get you. It’s not planned obselesence. It’s a race drivetrain in a street car. Many of these have cracked 100, 150k miles. Don’t be silly.

Uh...what? You’re aware that Ferrari & Lamborhgini have been doing this for years? And that the 6.2 liter AMG V8 could rev to 8k and did so reliably? And that the V10 itself has no problem with revs, they just messed up on the clearances on the rod bearings? A problem that is completely fixable?

Any high-performance engine should really be warmed up for at least a few minutes if you want to make sure it lasts a while. Tolerances are tighter, compression is higher, everything is more sensitive. Now, in an appliance car, absolutely. But in something that can reasonably trace the distant roots of its engine

Uh...how? Have you been in a 92 Sentra? Dear god. Some of you really need to get off this website and experience the real world.

Have you seen the “build quality” of the average car from the 60s? Not the same as a drill press that was designed to last 100 years. They were mass produced for the lowest possible cost, and new body styles came out every year. This idea that new cars are somehow more poorly made is so insanely laughable I can’t

Goes to show that private groups are far more effective than nearly everything than gov’t regs promulgated by committees of morons.

I don’t think you seem to know what “magnificent” means

This car isn’t for sale anymore.

If the BBC tried to be assholes and tries to take down GT, then yes, they’d deserve it. I’m sick and tired of the intellectual property bullshit that seems to be running all forms of art & entertainment these days.