Evan, Pope Of Jalopnik by Self-Appointment

It’s not purely about reaction times, and I’m certain trained test drivers are bettter at that than the average person. Their reactions times are going to be better.

Please, for the love of god, turn in your license and sell your car. Someone that’s terrified of a Mustang should not be operating a motor vehicle on any American roads. Please let me know what state you live in as well so I can stay far away from it. Dear god.

So...by your own admission - the biker was an idiot and broke the speed limit. And, perhaps you weren’t quite paying as much attention as you should have been. Explain how speed limits caused this incident, again?

No. That’s just not true. Before Chicago area freeways went up to 70, they were 55. People still drove 100. It’s not a problem.

You are my new favorite commenter on this site.

Don’t let your kids play in the fucking street. Problem solved.

And that’s where the skill level and capability of a driver/car comes into play. Quite obviously they will be able to handle those situations just fine. I know I do. I’ve never been in an accident with another vehicle because I pay attention to my surroundings and know how to handle my cars.

Yes because what he said means this will happen. Do you know what a straw man is? This isn’t even a particularly good one.

Thank you.

It’s amazing how so many people on a “driving enthusiast” website have been brainwashed by the gov’t into believing that whatever arbitrary numbers they paint on a sign correlate to the exact speed they should be going at all times. Really sad.

Most of the people on this site seemingly drive cars that take miles to attain 100 mph and feel like they’re about to disintegrate doing so, must be why they’re so terrified of anything faster than 65 mph.

If you think going 100 in one of these cars being driven by one of these highly skilled drivers on a relatively wide, open road is dangerous - I have to question your ability to operate a motor vehicle. You clearly have never driven a car that’s designed to go fast.

No, it’s not. Not if you’re a good driver and are paying attention. If this was true the Autobahn would be a disaster. You people all sound scared to death of driving. Just because your 15 year old diesel hatch is a death trap at 90 mph, doesn’t mean we all have to drive like geriatrics.

And then we have people like you who are clearly incompetent and are so bad at driving that you consider auto transmissions dangerous.

Boring cars with autos are no fun. Boring cars with manuals are a little bit of fun. Fun cars are fun, period.

Number of times an auto transmission cars have been rendered inoperable due to the TCU ”crashing” is so small it’s statistically irrelevant. You’re trying to win a subjective argument with “facts” you’re making up.

A good car is fun to drive, period.

You’re doing god’s work.

Enjoyability is subjective.

There is no appreciable difference in reliability between the two now.