I’m sorry but what the hell are you on about re: the new NSX? You made that assumption up out of whole cloth.
I’m sorry but what the hell are you on about re: the new NSX? You made that assumption up out of whole cloth.
How is it not? Just because it’s not a beater brown diesel hatchback Miata on Craigslist, doesn’t mean it’s not a bargain.
These cars aren’t made to be completely practical, ease up.
These cars cost around a half million, or more. They sure as hell are using expensive materials and very expensive labor/finishing.
Why can’t you just appreciate the hard work and effort that goes into both? I don’t think anyone at Pagani builds the interiors to say “LOOK AT ME IM FANCY”...
Yes. Old Top Gear was presented by people who didn’t take kindly to being told what to do, how to be politically correct, and what was funny/not funny. Whether you liked all of it or not, that spirit was a huge part of what made the show. I have a feeling the new TG will be much more PC.
This is such a fucking false statement it’s not even funny. What a moronic thing to say.
What? You must not enjoy much of any organized racing, then.
Because it can? Why wouldn’t they?
What the fucking hell are you on about?
Seeing as this is the first time a Google car has been at fault in an accident, and one of only a few incidents period, I’d say they’re better drivers than 99.999999% of the people who read this site.
So, it’s more wrong when a robot does it than a human? This is the first actual incident of a fully autonomous car causing an incident. So far their record is much, much, much, much better than any human. So you may want to keep that in mind. And this tech is still in its infancy. Calm down.
I don’t know, what do rich people do every time a moron in a rusted GMC Jimmy with no exhaust roars down their street?
He must have been driving it at low speeds, never in my life have I ever heard of anyone actually *driving* a Veyron and saying it felt like a faster R8. Absolutely ludicrous statement to make.
That’s absolutely not where they started any development of anything on the Veyron or Chiron.
What is this stupid trope that gets circulated around this website that everyone who has an SUV uses it to transport one person and zero things all the time forever? How moronic. Almost everyone I know who has an SUV gets plenty of use out of it. Don’t be one of those guys.
What? It’s quite clearly a devastatingly effective powertrain.
What? Speed is absolutely the point with the Chiron, are you going to argue that it’s not? Just so happens that the fastest car in the world is also quite expensive. Who would have thought. Looks are subjective.
Weight has no effect on top speed.
Not sure what you’re looking at