Ah yes the typical mud-slinging from people who can’t afford them. These are all some of the best cars money can currently buy. In 20 years you’ll be on here talking about how they’re for real enthusiasts.
Ah yes the typical mud-slinging from people who can’t afford them. These are all some of the best cars money can currently buy. In 20 years you’ll be on here talking about how they’re for real enthusiasts.
My fucking brain is bleeding after reading this. Oh my god.
This is called antilag, and it’s definitely a thing that exists
i8 is not a hypercar and isn’t really that fast. Obviously what matters at the end of the day is how much power the engine produces, not how many cylinders it has.
I drive a car with 200 hp and barley notice it. Maybe get yours checked out.
Something something manual transmissions.
You don’t seem to know how their naming system works...which is odd because it’s been the same for the 7 series for nearly 40 years.
What is unwise about it.
Are you possibly blind?
I think it’s just you. Its purpose is to be a quirky three wheel runabout. With an electric drivetrain, it is still that.
Why do you give a fuck. Seriously.
Jesus how fucking bitter can a person be...
Sounds like a typical driver of that car
If you’re in such poor financial shape that $500 a year in fuel worries you when buying a 45k car...you maybe shouldn’t be buying this car.
I think you’re on the wrong site.
This is said about every M car ever, it’s fucking stupid.
This is Jalopnik. Every new BMW is worse than the old one. Until it’s about to go out of production. Then it’s the best car ever made in the history of the world. And the new one is always terrible again. And then the cycle repeats.
See they actually want to sell cars to more than 27 people in the world. Also, have you ever driven an old, regular, non-M or M Sport BMW? They are not focused track machines. They are luxury cars. Please can we stop with this fucking circle jerk that claims every car with a roundel on it must be a race car for the…
Calling the brand “soft” in general is moronic and silly so I’m not sure why anyone would.