hey! just because ash doesn't EV train, doesn't make him a bad trainer.
hey! just because ash doesn't EV train, doesn't make him a bad trainer.
i dont know about you guys, but i see two crossed daggers. But i guess the perfect symmetry and those wispy lines makes it seem like a tramp stamp.
i guess you could call his statement "hateful" but it is still TRUE. Are you guys for the censorship of TRUTH now?
i don't get modders, so much talent, they can make their own games.
surprising given how much people in the internet loves cat, if anything, hello kitty lost its popularity. just kidding, its some kid with a cat face, that stuff will always be cute.
this all goes back to not many women playing videogame. and the more people who stop playing kim kardashian games, the more female protagonists there will be. the thing is, there should always be a victim in these stories, and there are only two genders. majority are the easily disposable, and there to be murdered…
corgi master race
oh em gee. samus's virtue as a female character is solely dependent on her fashion choices. not her personality or what the hell she has done as a character. you know what people? if her appearance is the only thing you base your opinions off on her, then maybe YOU are the ones objectifying her. she is still a strong…
I can never imagine how it is like to be one of those mooks that get killed in one hit. what are their goals in life? how was their day? why do they have such a sluggish swing timer and flock together in groups for easy AOE suicide?
japanese cops leave the force when they punch an arcade game. amurican cops get paid leave when they murder innocent people.
just pretend the little girl is ellen page since she wants to be ellie so bad.
well dead island loses points for being the very definition of Bait-and-Switch.
you get a free pass for man nipples if you're attractive? meh, sounds about right. it goes both ways man or woman really.
sweet. now i don't have to convince my friends to buy Evolve just so i can play with them when it releases. though i still have to convince them to buy a ps4...
uh-huh i get it how to put on the monster hunter effect. make the monster a hundred times spikier. make it a tad bit meaner. and re-purpose every single body part into a murderous weapon.
maybe because a lot of people might find it unsettling... you know, murdering your childhood and wearing their body parts and whatnot.
you get to play as a guy named "Shadow Lord". It sounds like self-insert fantasy fan-fiction.
definitely gonna be a dlc. non-canon and is surely gonna rake in cash. seems to be in line with nintendo's only goals these days. ugh still remembering the mercedes karts...
maybe the company should satirize the adventures of our shitty cops in their next games...