Evangeline Ritter


You really weren't nice at all. And I just wasted an hour presenting my opinion to a bunch of close-minded men. Was completely interesting, though. I mean that.

What constitutes protected speech? What on earth do you mean? I can't say that I don't agree with something? Also why are we both still here?

No real complaint- I just saw where Hannity was coming from and an entire frenzy of commentors bit off my head and brought in other unrelated issues. I agree with you, though. I just didn't find it as whiny as the author of this article found it. That's literally it.

I guess that explains it. Anyway, have a nice day. Thanks for the conversation- I've actually learned a lot, and I'm not saying that sarcastically. I got to first-handedly see the effects of having an opinion. I tried to be as chill as a young independent-conservative can be and exercised restraint from typing "F you"

It's just a term. Calm down.

I'm 17 years old and having conversations with (whom I assume) are older, immature and angry-for-no reason men.

Sorry, I thought Freedom of Speech was still a thing.

My mistake, again- I could of sworn he was liberal with the BS claims he makes on air. And don't pull the race card on me. Not a racist, okay? I confused his political party.


I never said anything about climate change, and I'm not going to argue about it. I like how you said that both stations go against what should be the mission of news- I agree whole-heartedly :)

Damn. Nice comeback. My middle-school brother could of thought of something better than that.

Sorry for my confusion. I don't, by the way- I just commented my opinion and was blasted with people who don't like it.

I do like sarcastic news- I just saw this on my Facebook news feed and decided to comment. I apologize for my mistake…..the article wasn't funny for a parody site, though. Even if I was a democrat, I probably wouldn't laugh.

I said "dramatically real" in the sense that every news story they post is dramatized with yelling news anchors and guests, like Hannity. I think someone like you can agree with that peacefully.

Actually, I think you read my statement wrong. All I'm saying is that there are different news networks that underhandedly appeal to different political parties. And (sorry for that grammatical error) I think you're assuming I praise Fox and Hannity like all these other people. I don't.

I don't "praise" him like some of the other commentors said, but I also don't find him a bully. I just understand where he's coming from. That's it.

Is the A.V. Club a parody news network like the Onion? I honestly couldn't tell. I tried to read some of the other comments and I just figured that it was a news website. My bad if it isn't.

Thanks for the warm welcome. I also love how you called me a troll when all I have is a different opinion than the rest of you.

Having a set political party to appeal to does. Notice how I didn't praise Fox but included them in the mix. Fox has Juan Williams on their programs frequently and a liberal host on the Five; not to mention every single time they have Democrats to react to a certain issue. Of course you'd know that if you watched.