Evangeline Ritter

True, Hannity's statement seems a bit overblown. I can agree with that. But I think he's just trying to say that he's tired of popular left-wingers focusing on making fun of silly Republicans instead of focusing on the real issues of the world. Heck, I'm guilty of making fun of both.

Unfortunately I can't, considering that CNN and MSNBC are as dramatized as Fox in their political view points.

Mature comment. How old are you? You seem a lot like the child stereotype the writer was comparing Hannity to.

Nope. I see where both Hannity and Colbert are coming from. Colbert is paid to parody and appeal to the mainstream media, and Hannity is a news anchor on a dramatically real news network. I just don't see where the writer got the 'Hannity is a whiny brat' ideology from a (mostly) eloquently said statement.

Nope- I see where both Hannity and Colbert are coming from. Colbert is paid to parody and appeal to the mainstream, and Hannity is a news anchor for a dramatically real network. I just don't see where the writer got the "Hannity is a whining brat" ideolology out of a (mostly) eloquently said statement.

Not poed, I'm quite lax compared to other Republican commentors I've seen.

What Hannity said made sense. The way you paraphrased his statement, which was cleverly inserted into the article, was extremely exaggerated on a nonexistent mindset. You confuse childlike petulency with just plain not liking or tolerating something for a specific reason, which we all do. Would you write an article