Evangelical Pastafarian

I think I am most offended that Vogue continually puts lacklustre, boring, do-nothing starlets on their covers while ignoring interesting and charismatic actresses of color. Why hasn’t Kerry Washington had a cover yet but Blake Lively has had multiple covers? Why haven’t they had a cover story on Gabby Union’s

“If you look at the magazine in the last decade, it’s what we’ve always done,” he says. “Historically, we wanted more representation.”

She has something ... it also appears that she is going through menopause (seriously - hot flashes that she attributed to Lyme) is really depressed and wants attention. She only does holistic stuff, her coughing is fake as fake can be and oh. Just awful.

OKAY I’LL BITE. I watched the show and its like...she’s sick. I don’t think she’s not sick. But she won’t. stop. showing. everyone. shes. sick.

Why a goddamn freeway of all places? According to the Chronicle, Valladares said it was one of his boo’s favorite spots.

Good. I hope they throw the book at him. A heavy book, with sharp corners. And that they get terrible wedding gifts. And one of his friends pukes on her dress. And one of her bridesmaids starts sad crying midway through the reception. And there’s a terrible mix-up with the entrees and so everyone has to have the fish.

This remains the gold standard.

Looking great may be the best revenge but I’m happy with a brick through the window as a competitive runner up.

Her head looks too big for her revenge body. Is it possible to get a revenge head?

but he’s such a douche

ew no. he’s awful and also a terrible human being.

guys no more punchable faces today, please. no more

Then get off of Foxtrot Alpha.

Noted. Don’t click on political articles in the future. Everybody wins.

I feel genuinely bad for Jill and Jessa, who were raised in what essentially amounts to a cult and had their traumatic childhood experiences outed to the world without their consent.

‘Whoa, where did that come from, what’s that about,’

None of them should be on TV anymore.

On a side note, this is exactly why abortion needs to be legal. Women used to die from child birth all the time and people are forgetting that. It’s a major medical event. I hate when people make flippant remarks about “why can’t the woman just stick it out for nine months and let the baby be born?” Because its not

There are worse things a kid could be doing. Good for her for finding an outlet to express herself that isn’t destructive.