
Burying information in paperwork to sneak something by.

What’s wrong with requiring drones to have rotor guards?

IFR isn’t something that “stops working”. IFR simply means Instrument Flight Rules.

I also believe that shining a laser pointer at a pilot will probably not cause an accident, as it hasn’t so far, but it could cause one and a lot of people will be injured, not just the pilot.

So, if I high beam a bus full of old people on the road, and is that attempted murder too? 12000 laser strikes in the past 4 years, no crashed planes. This issue seems to be more bark than bite.

What he’s saying about IFR is correct. The system is meant to work in 0 visibility. Pilots are certified to fly IFR, so there shouldn’t a problem there.

You are really intent on that line, eh? Posted it in two comments with the same article. Here’s a fun fact: he was landing AT A PUB! Guessing alcohol was involved isn’t racist, but simple logic. Casual racism would be more along the lines of “pilot must have been Irish drunk landing a helicopter like that.” Notice a

Yes. Because it’s not needed at all. Most commercial flights at night are IFR flight plans anyway (instrument flying). Looking out the window is just a luxury. With the navigational references that they have available and use regularly they could land the plane without any windows at all. How do you think they fly the

... and yet the pilot didn’t crash or go blind. No, there was no special helmet or anything. Ponder that.

You do know that multiple people have gone blind because lasers have been shined in their eyes, right? I’d call that an injury.

At least I know how many times a laser has hit a plane per year and how many crashes there have been. 3000 and zero.

How many laser strike are there a year? How many crashes have there been?

Not true.

Nationally, the pace of 3,188 reports through Oct. 17 is on pace for 17% increase over last year. At that rate, the incidents could beat the peak of 3,591 set in 2011.

Except “accident” accurately describes what happened. Someone accidentally hit another person or object with their vehicle; it is an accidental crash or accident for short. Even if there were factors like drugs or alcohol involved the person driving the vehicle(s) did not mean to hit anyone else. If someone was

Great points. The idea that the F-35 is relevant in 30 years is laughable in the first place.

Take that reference out and the piece reads using only modern circumstances. The idea that no enemy aircraft will make it past a BVR exchange with F-35s is non sense. Even our own testing is insufficient to replicate a real peers state competitor force throwing a LOT of targets at our forces which will most likely be

If you are flying against an occasional four ship of antiquated aircraft maybe, but in the real world, facing the threats we may face soon, this is not accurate.