
I’ll just leave this here...

“Hey, will anyone toast with me too? Putin, pretty please?"

“Why, does he look constipated!”

“All your Ukraine are belong to us."

“Then after I took his lunch money, he wanted me to have his wine money too."

“I wish that I had learned how to play chess instead of sticking to dominoes...”

“And to think that I told Medvedev that after my election I’d have more flexibility... I didn't count on Putin coming back!”

Can't it create static reaching into your pocket to get the wallet for the credit card to pay at the pump?

Another myth is that the car should be turned off. Were engines still carborated, they might backfire and possibly cause an explosion of vapors, but, with fuel injection and exhaust emissions hardware, it's impossible. Or is it?

I’ve never seen pump hoses so short as in the US that one has to park on the correct side to pump. Everywhere else, it didn’t matter, because the hose could reach regardless of the side.

I’ve been counting too, but I ran out of fingers on my hands, which prompt me to wonder what’s taking them so long. Could it be because, like VW, they've been skinny dipping too?

It’s been reported in other places that other diesel cars failed to meet the emissions on typical road usage. In these cases, I think that the problem has more to do with a test cycle that fails to represent typical road usage, not unlike the mythical figures on an EPA window sticker. However, it seems to be pretty

What is CARB referring to here? It doesn’t limit CO2 emissions, so VW’s cheating has nothing to do with CO2. Or is CARB considering NOx a greenhouse gas too, except that it isn't?

This is not uncommon. Other car makers were discovered doing the same in Europe and elsewhere before. It would not surprise me that VW was not the first in the US either.

But, to think that the only way for VW to abide by the US emissions standards was to bring its lowest powered versions, leaving the truly fun to drive versions at home, yet even then it’s still too dirty?

Sure, Diesel is in the DNA of VW as much as of Renault, Peugeot, Fiat, etc. As a matter of fact, it was Fiat which created the modern common-rail Diesel that catapulted its popularity in Europe. VW persisted on its inferior injector-pump system for years before caving in to Fiat’s solution.

Unlike the US, Russia is not arming Al Qaida 2.0.