
Porsche means the EU regulations, which limit the fleet CO2 emissions.

NYC is an any large city in other third world countries: messy, smelly and expensive.

This is the reason for the death of car culture:

So, 38 great car movies produced in the 20th century and just a couple in the 21st century? Except that the film industry is not 2 centuries old, but more like 90 years old. That would be about 2 years and a quarter between great car movies on average. Since Hollywood hasn’t been producing many great movies whatsoever

Hey, if the US do the same all the time, often with its accomplices in the media, why wouldn't China?

The EPA merely cuts no slack for Diesel engines in light vehicles, unlike its counterparts abroad, which have a more lenient standard for Diesel than for gas engines.

Anyone who remembers the falsehood of the Missile Gap (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Missile_g…) from half a century ago will not be fooled by yet another run for the money about a supposed Tank Gap, in spite of costing the taxpayer more than Russia’s and the military spending of all the other 204 countries combined.

Even an R8 cannot design other cars on this side of the Skynet. Rather, it was this man’s pen which doodled on from the R8 on that remade Audi styling. Certainly adding some Italian sauce to Audi’s style and hopefully adding sauerkraut to its reliability.

Yes, because it couldn’t possibly be propaganda by the American White Knights, the indispensable nation... BS! Grow up.

Russian Aircraft Flies Near US Navy Ship in Black Sea

A Russian Plane Zaps US Warship’s Missile Defense System

On T-Mobile, you forgot unlimited international texting and unlimited international data roaming.

A major highway has been under construction for the past few months. Before the works began, the speed limit was 65 and people would go at 70, tops. Afterward, its three lanes were narrowed and the speed limit reduced to 55. Now, most people go at 75 and even 85. It's a beautiful thing.

Instead of our overlords deciding what is better for us, let us vote with our right foot!

1975? The speed limits have been the same since the interstate system was built, in 1956!

No, not really. On trips to a destination North of home, where the average speed is X, the mileage, compared to trips to a destination South of home, where the average speed is 1.2X, is just 12% better, both on the same interstate.

To say that the Brasilia had a decent rear trunk is... erroneous. The trunk height was about 6in to the windows line.

I don’t know about Illinois, but a relative in Michigan doesn’t drive his sports RWD car in winter and in the season following it because of the moon craters that pervade the roads then. He loves its rims and it would fatally hurt his most sensitive body part, the wallet, to replace one.

I’m curious: how can this pass emissions inspection in those states which require it?

I’ve had the suspicion that Fi is merely Hangouts voice calling over mobile data. However, after months using Hangouts as my default voice service, I had to switch back to regular voice over GSM due to people complaining about intelligibility issues. Perhaps Google makes sure that Hangouts data gets priority over the