“Racism is prejudice plus power”
“Racism is prejudice plus power”
Negate or completely reinforce?
Belichick: [rips huge bong hit] You know I bet the government secretly records everyone.
My number one rule: don’t be a whiny fuck about people reclining their seats. Unless you have some sort of massive growth on your face that causes extreme pain whenever it comes into contact with something, a couple inches either way isn’t going to make your flight any more or less comfortable. (And for you fucks…
Get fucked on the no-reclining rule.
I need a flowchart to follow Deadspin’s thought process. Its like they almost always disagree and belittle ESPN (which, Deadspin wouldnt even exist if not for ESPN—but neither here nor there) unless ESPN publishes something bad about the Patriots (or really Boston in general) then they back it up 100%, write 4 stories…
I’ve done that like a dozen times. I don’t think ever in public but I sprayed the ceiling, wall, table, carpet, dog, magazines, myself and a blanket just the other day with barbecue sauce. Side note, I’m just impressed you got the ketchup out of those fucking bottles.
Yeah, seems terrible that a boat owner, eating at a fancy restaurant nearby may be out of of a free batted baseball. Lets start a GoFundMe.
I hope the guy who owns a boat finally catches a lucky break here.
I’m a Pats fan so I’m completely biased, but what sane person would just hand over their personal phone, along with their password to some schmuck in their company? Now toss in the fact that you’re a famous athlete with a super model wife and your company is the NFL which is full of cock-gobbling fucktards who can’t…
My favorite part is how so much of the media just plays along with the narrative Goodell wants. Goodell is “tough” on those who “disrespect the integrity of the game,” rather than a grandiose figurehead who dishes out punishments arbitrarily in whatever way he thinks will best satisfy the majority of the public.
Bill Belichick was surprised to learn that he had a first-round pick which had not yet been traded.
Making bombs is bad.
I'd still fuck her.
Smart is lucky his hand didn't catch on fire.
Banks needs to shut her mouth. Badu even was gonna take the heat on it by saying she didn't get it due to age. That's not shade. Saying something isn't your scene doesn't mean you're trashing it.
I think it makes sense that the government would kill 27 people in a small town to prove a point about guns, but refuse to fudge numbers on a spreadsheet. They gotta draw the line somewhere.
I'm going to be honest, you aren't going to get a very long look at at the naked-ass cowboy in the video above, but…